The longest roads in the world: table

Below is a table with the 5 longest highways (highways, highways) in the world, which includes the following information about them: name, length in kilometers, length of the largest section (not for everyone), a short description.

км» style=»min-width:14.1414%; width:14.1414%;»>Протяженность,


«Золотой Четырехугольник»»>Шоссе

«Золотой Четырехугольник»

(Калькутта — Ченнаи)»>1684

(Калькутта — Ченнаи)





(Чита — Хабаровск)»>2165

(Чита — Хабаровск)



NamePlacement LocationsDescription
5846IndiaConnects Delhi to the coastal cities of Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai.
CanadaConnects 10 Canadian provinces and many regional capitals (excluding Toronto, Quebec and Halifax).
more 11000Our CountryConnects St. Petersburg with Vladivostok with the busiest section of St. Petersburg – Moscow.
14500AustraliaThe longest track in the Southern Hemisphere. Passes through all the states, skirting the continent along the coast.
North and South AmericaThe longest road in the world, passes through the territory of 14 states (from the USA and Canada to Argentina and Chile).

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