The father / daughter relationship

Does ideal love exist? If so, it is that of a daughter for her father. Adored, admired, the pope is perfect and we make her eyes soft from the cradle! Find out the answers to your questions about the relationship between a father and his daughter.

Does a father react differently if he has a girl or a boy?

It’s different for every man, it all depends on his childhood. Some imagine that they will be a better father of a boy and others, a better father for a daughter.

But just because after the ultrasound, he seems disappointed to be expecting a girl, doesn’t mean he won’t be a good father. A father will be shaped differently whether the child is a girl or a boy. This is why we cannot know which parent we will be until we have had a child.

What about a future dad who absolutely wants a boy?

In this case, he must wonder about its relationship with the feminine. As for a man who would only want girls, that is a matter of fear: would he be afraid of a rival?

But it is rare to see such extremes. No doubt because today, man expresses his emotions more.

What is the Electra complex?

Theorized at the beginning of the 20th century by the psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, the Electra complex is the equivalent of the famous Oedipus complex. It would appear in some girls around the age of 4 and 6 years. A young girl can then develop a feelings of love towards his father. This leads to behaviors of possessive affection and jealousy towards the mother including.

Does the more rewarding image of women have an impact on the father-daughter relationship?

Yes, that does come into play. Today, women are studying, exercising rewarding jobs, can keep their name after marriage, and even pass it on to children.

However, this is not the only reason. There are also all the ideas that we “carry around”: a girl is more cuddly, she adores her father, in short, it’s pleasant for him. But beware, there is danger if he does not set limits for this little one who will try to charm him from 18-20 months!

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