The corset diet after childbirth, beware of danger!

The corset diet after childbirth, beware of danger!

In people, anything that can allow you to lose weight quickly and (not necessarily) well is good to take, as the new trend of the corset diet shows us. Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, Amber Rose… all of them succumbed to this radical method after giving birth to regain a slim waist and concrete abs. On social networks, they do not miss an opportunity to praise the benefits of this accessory worthy of another time. This fashion is spreading at full speed in the United States, where sales of corsets are exploding, and even in France where well-known reality TV starlets are promoting them. But is this method really effective for weight loss, moreover after childbirth, a period when the body is particularly fragile?

Supporters of the corset diet explain that these slimming belts work like gastric rings. By compressing the belly, they prevent overeating and allow you to achieve a feeling of fullness more quickly. They add that wearing a corset makes you sweat, so eliminate… The first weeks with a baby are already trying enough that we do not come. inflict physical torture on yourself with a corset! And then, when you breastfeed, you have to make sure you are eating properly. Which is obviously complicated when you wear a sheath around your waist. Jessica Alba, who used this process to lose weight after her pregnancies, recently confided to the magazine “I wore a corset day and night for three months. It was very brutal and I can say it’s not for everyone. » This is what makes you want …

The corset does not make you lose weight

Claire Dahan, physiotherapist in Paris, specializing in post-natal rehabilitation, does not see the interest of such an accessory. ” The corset is ideal for an evening if you want to have a flat stomach, but that is where its benefits end, she says. Wearing a corset does not make you lose weight. On the contrary, it can damage the body and hinder breathing if it is too tight. And above all, worn too long, it weakens the abdominal strap. »The corset maintains the stomach artificially. « Abs are not strained and relax when the corset is removed », adds the specialist. Suffice to say that after childbirth, which is already straining the stomach muscles, it is better to avoid aggravating the situation with a corset. To find a flat stomach, we therefore apply the good old habits: a balanced diet to melt fat and sports exercises … on time.  

These people who succumbed to the corset diet

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    Kourtney Kardashian, a few weeks after the birth of her 3rd child

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    Sarah Stage, 3 days after giving birth

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    Amber Rose, a few months after the birth of her son

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    Kim Kardashian, in the middle of a workout

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    Emilie Nef Naf, two weeks after giving birth

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