The best foods to favor during the candidiasis diet – happiness and health

The anticandida diet is not obvious if one does not know the permitted foods. And trying to make your own diet is often very difficult!

So what exactly is left after you eliminate cheese, alcohol, chocolate, and other harmful foods from your daily diet?

The good news is that, as you will see, the section Foods to favor overflowing with delicious things. There are actually many sources of protein, fat, and non-starchy carbohydrates that are still available for your meals. And when it comes to herbs, spices and seasonings, the possibilities are endless and will enhance any dish.

With this article I advise you to consult: foods to avoid in an anticandida diet. You will then have the most complete list of foods that are permitted or not in a diet.

Also remember that the diet is more strict at the beginning but after a few weeks and if you have good results you can reintroduce food.

The table below contains a list of some of the foods that are recommended for you during your candidiasis diet. If you want a more complete list.

Essential reading on candida:

– Treat candida in 3 steps (100% natural method)

– The diet against candidiasis

– The 12 best natural antifungals

Do not hesitate to print this list and reread it regularly. You now have all the assets in hand to set up an effective diet against candidiasis!

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