The best drink for a good morning – water with lemon. 12 benefits and side effects
The best drink for a good morning – water with lemon. 12 benefits and side effects

If one of your first things to do when you wake up is to drink a cup of coffee, it’s time to change your habit. Of course, drinking coffee in reasonable amounts is not a bad thing, but it is worth to precede it with a glass of water with lemon. Why?

Lemon is a real wealth of nutrients. It contains magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin C, B vitamins and calcium. It is best to drink it diluted with water in the morning, about 15-30 minutes before breakfast. Then we will get the maximum benefits that come from drinking this mixture every day.

What are the benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach?

This is one of the best ways to cleanse the body, stimulate digestive processes and metabolism, add energy and … support weight loss in a natural way. Thanks to the content of pectin fiber, which takes on a jelly-like consistency in the digestive tract, it protects its walls and prevents indigestion and rotting of food in the intestines. What’s more, it slows down the absorption of sugar from food and thus gives a longer lasting feeling of satiety after eating. In addition, it prevents constipation, because it prevents excessive drying of fecal masses.

So it will be one of the best and fully natural ways to maintain a slim figure or lose weight. It contains very few calories, contains vitamins and trace elements, and thanks to the potassium content, it supports the work of the heart, nervous system and brain. Water with lemon also supports immunity.

Side effects. Everything with limit

Like almost everything, too much acidic drinks, which is what it is water with lemonmay cause undesirable effects. It can lead to enamel erosion and thus makes the teeth hypersensitive to e.g. hot and cold foods. To protect your teeth, drink acidic drinks through a straw and dilute them with water.

Too much lemon in your water can also lead to heartburn or make it worse. Sometimes, although very rarely, it happens that drinking lemon juice has a diuretic effect, so overusing this fruit can have a dehydrating effect on the body. Of course, all of the above side effects are related to a lot of abuse of this concoction – if you use it in reasonable amounts, you have nothing to worry about.

12 benefits of drinking lemon water regularly

  1. Contains fiber that has a great effect on the intestines and digestive system,
  2. It prevents the growth of bacteria, so it protects against diseases,
  3. Contains valuable potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium
  4. supports digestion,
  5. It has a lot of vitamin C, which supports immunity,
  6. Helps with gout, osteoporosis, gallstones and kidney stones, anemia, diabetes, hypertension, liver and stomach diseases, some nervous diseases,
  7. Supports the production of digestive juices,
  8. Good for sore throats and colds
  9. Flushes toxins from the body,
  10. Helps maintain the proper pH in the body,
  11. Prevents the formation of acne and wrinkles,
  12. It supplements mineral salts, so it will be an excellent drink for people exposed to physical exertion.

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