The benefits and harms of basil

The benefits and harms of basil

One of the most popular plants in medicine and cooking, it is prized for its rich composition of phytonutrients. The herb is native to the tropical regions of Asia, originally grown in India and Iran, today it is grown commercially in many countries around the world.

The benefits and harms of basil lie in the healing properties of its leaves and plant seeds, which contain chemical compounds that can prevent a wide range of diseases, improve health, and resist infections.

The plant contains flavonoids and polyphenols, which, according to scientists, successfully resist radiation damage to the body. The benefits of basil from its constituent essential oils – eugenol, citral, terpineol, citronellol, linalol, are known, they have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antipyretic agent.

In many ways, the benefits of basil lie in the low calorie content and the absence of cholesterol in the presence of the minerals, nutrients and vitamins that are part of the composition and necessary for our immunity. The plant is a rich source of vitamin A, contains cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein. The compounds act as defense mechanisms against aging in the body and can block inflammation.

The harm of basil, when consumed in large quantities, is known for epilepsy sufferers, pregnant women, and patients with heart disease. It must be taken with caution by diabetics, hypertensive patients, patients with thrombophlebitis and ischemic disease. The main reason for contraindications is the presence of mercury compounds in the plant. The substances have bactericidal properties, but in large quantities they are harmful to health.

It is because of the presence of mercury that doctors recognize the harm of basil and preparations based on it, if the plant is consumed for more than three weeks. It is irritating to the digestive tract and can lead to poisoning. Basil can be harmful in case of individual intolerance, and it is also not recommended for children under seven years of age.

The benefits and harms of basil are of great importance for strengthening bones, it is recommended to use it for rheumatism. It is applied to improve heart function and blood pressure regulation. Leaves of grass, being a good source of iron, have the ability to increase hemoglobin, which plays an important role in the treatment of blood diseases.

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