The beauty code or why women were called witches in the middle ages

How to find yourself and not be ashamed of your appearance.

Being beautiful is an art. To do this, you need to accept yourself, allow yourself to be and declare yourself to the world. Showing our beauty, we launch a powerful stream of events in our lives. We talked about how to do this with a psychologist and energy coach Olga Omira.

– Olga, what is beauty? And why is it so important for a woman?

– If you look at the word “beauty” in a search engine on the Internet, then there will be few good associations. It will be “fatal beauty”, “killing beauty”, “fearlessness and beauty”, “tragedy and beauty.” Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman can be ashamed of her beauty: hide it under shapeless clothes, not take care of herself, be ashamed to speak in public, take ugly poses in photographs. The roots of all this go much deeper than it might seem at first glance, in the cultural historical past. In Europe, for example, beautiful women were burned at the stake, calling them witches, Russian beauties were forcibly taken to harems. In folk tales, beauties were kidnapped by a dragon, they were left in the forest, poisoned, put to sleep, or sacrificed. Therefore, beauty in our subconscious is often associated with danger.

– And what will happen if a woman is ashamed of her beauty?

– If the beauty code is not accepted, then a woman closes a whole layer of opportunities that she could realize. This affects relationships and implementation in activities. Beauty is not just about looks. This is the beauty of thought, the beauty of the word, the beauty of the world. When this quality is accepted, then everything becomes beautiful. No wonder Shakespeare said: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” His beauty code was accepted and revealed.

– And what is he, a handsome person with an accepted beauty code?

– A handsome person does not have to be in perfect shape. A fat woman can be beautiful. Or, for example, Nick Vucic has no arms and legs. But he’s handsome. This defies conventional logic. Beauty is a parameter that connects us with our nature, with our essence. And it becomes a visual representation of our energy. Beauty has nothing to do with being quiet or flamboyant, soft or belligerent. It is simply allowing yourself to be and accepting who you are.

Beauty is not just about looks. This is the beauty of thought, the beauty of the word, the beauty of the world.

– Is there a connection between depression and beauty?

– Yes, in depression, a person sees everything in black, since he does not accept his own beauty and the beauty of the world around him. Beauty is three colors: red, green and blue. This is the spectrum with which our visual decoration is created. Basically, all decorations are created with beauty.

– How can you feel beautiful?

– Beauty in the modern world is mainly worked out through plastic, through cosmetic procedures, through the image. And the very essence, the inner world of a person, does not affect. Because people are afraid to go deeper and work with the collective unconscious. But if this is such a volume of energy with a negative charge, then by transforming it, we can get a huge resource. And thus open up a powerful force in yourself, working through the negative aspect of beauty, which is stored in our memory as a collective unconscious. I have a special course “Beauty Code”, where we immerse ourselves in beauty and learn to see it in everything, as well as explore ourselves in beauty.

– It is not customary to say compliments in Russia. It is believed that if a person is beautiful, then he already knows about it. But if no one tells him about it, how can he know it?

– Yes. We have such a story. But in Europe, for example, they tell a person how handsome he is. In Italy, beauty is generally deified. Therefore, sometimes, in order to realize your beauty, it is worth leaving the familiar space and expressing yourself in a new space.

– When we release unacceptable beauty, what begins to happen in a woman’s life?

– The codes of beauty that were launched in childhood are manifested. And also something that makes a woman feel ugly can come out. If a woman accepts that being beautiful is safe and natural, that a beautiful world is natural, then it is possible to move to another social stratum and exit to another level, move to another country. Because there are places that can correspond to the soul more than the place in which the woman lives now.

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