The Amazon Supermarket opens in Spain

The food market receives with suspicion the news of the opening of the sale of food and cleaning for the Amazon home in our country.

On this occasion and only 24 hours ago, the Amazon online store was opened in the categories of food and cleaning, in online supermarket concept.

This is the company’s first foray into Spain, and the most important resources with which it arrives are the price and the service, to be able to make a gap between the players already active in our geography.

El Until months ago, a leader in the sale of all types of consumer items through the internet, it needed to cover the supply with the most recurring business of all, food, and since the first tests of the “Amazon fresh” concept in its native Seattle, It has not stopped evolving to take over the segment of raw materials and now packaged products.

The project fresh keep going as this new and more than desirable dry food site may be the first stone of a great movement in the XNUMXst century food distribution

A new competitor for retail distribution groups in food.

The logistics management of the American company is no secret and it is capable of revolutionizing the sector with its efficiency in deliveries, at the moment it raises them in 24 hours, but surely one of the KPIs it handles is to reduce that time ratio to bring even closer plus the supermarket to the user.

Buying food on the Internet is a reality and the market for ready-made menus and food delivery shows this on a daily basis.

Mercadona, Carrefour, Auchan, Day, El corte Ingles and the online Tudespensa and Ulabox, have a tough nut to crack with the landing of the Bezos company, since their experience in terms of usability, user analytics and negotiation with brands, can be a clear differential factor in the offer of products of the brands in the Amazon marketplace.

Kraft foods & Heinz, Coca-Cola, Cuétara, Gallina Blanca or Procter & Gamblel Among others, they already have their digital shelves on display in the food and cleaning products categories of the new microsite.

To continue offering full coverage, the product organization chart will not ignore promotional hooks or categories that are increasingly in demand, such as infant food or food products. hygiene products and drugstore.

Within the group’s strategy, the presence of local products is key to continue expanding the offer and thus be able to reach the traditional market and offer what is truly differential of the eCommerce of food, not only generalist brands, but fresh and exclusive products.

To differentiate yourself with the Omnicalnal

Now comes the true staging of all the actors in food distribution to assert their stores, whether online or physical, and to know how to value the human work of advising the end customer.

The user experience will not only count on the network, but also on the street the battle is fought to make buyers feel something different and of course that this is positive and satisfactory.

This is how it will be when costs continue to be the only handicap to compete, you can be profitable investing and with high costs, you simply have to do something different and exclusive.

At the moment we will have a lot of content and news about the movements of the sector and let’s not leave aside the “controversial Drones “ that will surely begin to occupy the center of logistics activity again, even if it is carrying food …

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