The acquisition of baby walking

The first steps, in the maternity ward

You certainly remember Baby’s very first steps. It all started in the maternity ward, when the midwife or the doctor lifted him above the changing table, leaning slightly forward, his feet flat on the small mattress… His very first steps, furtive, instincts are linked to the automatic walking reflex, which disappears around the age of three months.

Walking, step by step

Before they can walk on their own, your little one will take four big steps. He will begin by moving while holding on to the edges of the furniture. He will then take a few steps holding both hands, then a few fingers, before jumping off on his own. Some babies go through these stages in a few weeks, others in a few months… but upon arrival, the result is always the same: your child walks and runs like a rabbit!  But beware, first steps do not mean insurance. It will take him several months for him to be quite stable and several years for him to start running or jumping. Moreover, each baby evolving at its own pace, all children do not walk at the same age. Nevertheless, nearly 60% of the little ones manage to take a few steps for their first birthday, and in general, the girls are earlier than the boys. But several factors come into play in how quickly you learn to walk:

  • Stature of the child : a small baby will be easier to carry, he will walk earlier.

     Tonicity muscular : it varies from one baby to another, undoubtedly according to the genetic inheritance.

  • Acquiring a good balance : we then speak of “myelination of the cerebral nervous pathways”
  • The stimulation : and there, it is up to those around the child to play to stimulate walking, without doing too much, of course.

Exercises to help him stand

While watching your baby, allow him to play occasionally in front of a first step of the stairs, it is ideal for learning to get up. A plane inclined upwards on which he ventures on all fours also allows him to perform effective straightening exercises. Also offer him some well-suited “walking toys” such as a small straight or push truck. Baby clings to the wheel and can build his legs by propelling himself, without having to carry his weight.

Exercises to help him walk

Hand in hand

A child clinging to both hands of his mother, herself folded her legs apart: here is the classic picture of the first steps, which deserve to respect certain essential rules:

– Make sure that your child does not have his arms raised too much, his hands should not be higher than those shoulders.

– Try, as soon as possible, only to ensure its balance, without pulling it forward and without holding it back.

– If Baby loves to walk held, invest in two broomsticks that you will hold like sticks ofski and to which he will cling to his height, thus avoiding hurting your back. Also remember to congratulate your child. Encouragement from parents, older brothers or nursery professionals is essential. And for good reason, to be successful, your child must be confident.

On video: What games can you offer your child to encourage them to move around?

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