Testimonials: we stopped shaving or waxing! This is the “No shave” trend

A liberation movement

Razors and wax strips just have to wait in the back of the cupboard. ”Under the effect of feminist and environmental trends, since the 2000s, a whole movement for the liberation of female hair has been developing in Euro-Mediterranean societies. », Observes anthropologist Christian Bromberger *. A trend accentuated by successive periods of confinement and the decline in social interactions.

The various motivations of “No shave”

According to an Ifop survey published in January for Charles.co, a teleconsultation platform dedicated to male intimacy, one in six French people wax less than before spring 2020. Save time and money, preserve his skin from burns and irritations, or protest against the cult of hygiene and the standard of smooth bodies… The motivations are varied but have in common the desire to freely dispose of his body. “Except that taking on your hair naturally is not so easy in a culture where female hairiness is still widely perceived as a sign of carelessness or even dirt,” underlines Christian Bromberger. 60% of French people believe that being hairy in the workplace is not “appropriate” for a woman. The diktat of the hairless still has a bright future ahead of it.

* Christian Bromberger is the author of “Les Sens du Poil” published by Créaphis.

“We take responsibility for our hair”: 6 women testify

“I am the sole owner of my body”

When I realized about ten years ago that I was not waxing for myself but for others and that I only had disadvantages (high cost, pain and rapid regrowth), I stopped to do. At first, I hid a bit but I ended up assuming myself as I am. I understand that it can bother people who are not used to seeing natural legs and armpits. I break a code: the one that a woman must wax because it is prettier. But it’s only pretty if you decide to. So far I’m too happy to feel my effortless soft legs. It’s my choice, it’s my body. I am the only owner of it and no one can tell me what to do with it. I will only wax again if I decide to. Laetitia, 42 years old, mother of Benjamin, 13 years old

“I sweat less”

Today, I no longer have any ingrown hair, I sweat less, I smell less and I no longer stress whether a hair can protrude from my jeans or my bikini line. I do not care. I learned to find my body as it is, to feel normal. I am less influenced by the pressures of my entourage and societal injunctions (the fact of having to correspond to a standard of beauty: shaved, made up, etc.). I have developed my confidence in myself and in my choices. I assert myself much more. Sandra, 25

“I took the time to feel good about myself before showing myself to others”

At first, I struggled to get used to my new image. So I took the time to feel good about myself before showing myself to others. I respected myself during the process. If I felt like shaving for some reason, I would allow myself. I didn’t want it to be a drastic choice, but a thoughtful and assumed choice.  Stéphanie, 31 years old

“My partner tells me he loves my hair”

I started to grow my hair two years ago but I shaved it when I found it too long. I made a firm decision to quit this summer. I was tired of thinking about it. And that’s a hell of a time and money saver. I’m still lightly plucking my eyebrows and down. But I don’t touch the rest. I am still a little self-conscious sometimes. I’m afraid it bothers others, out of modesty or disgust. My partner tells me that he loves my hair! Clara, 22 years old

“Little girls should have models of natural women who love each other”

Two and a half years ago, I discovered that the 2 year old girl I was babysitting had just shaved her legs. She couldn’t stand her hair anymore and didn’t want to put on skirts or shorts. His discomfort really upset me. A child this age shouldn’t feel that way for something that is an integral part of her body. I explained to him that it was completely normal to have hairy legs, and I wanted to show him that I was too, but I was shaved! It clicked. I told myself that little girls should have models of natural women who love each other just as they are. It is a very small step in the liberation of the woman, but it counts. Manon, 8 years old

“I’m not afraid to be outside the norm”

I proceeded in stages. I first stopped waxing my legs, then my armpits and goatee. I agreed to see my hair in a mirror. I then showed them in front of trusted friends before exposing myself publicly. Outside, I am entitled to both smiles and harsh looks, where I feel a mixture of disgust and animosity. I don’t take it personally. It’s not me who disgusts them, it’s the image they have of me and which upsets their representations. Our society teaches us that a woman should be hairless. Except that to be a woman is also to be plural. I embrace my differences and am not afraid to be outside the norm to be at peace with myself. Marina, 30

In video: Testimonials: we stopped shaving or waxing! This is the “No shave” trend

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