Tantric massage: integrating tantrism into your relationship

Tantric massage: integrating tantrism into your relationship

Tantrism is a vast stream of thought which places spiritual well-being and self-fulfillment at the heart of its doctrine. In terms of sexuality, it allows you to awaken your senses and bring a sacred dimension to the practice of sex. How to integrate Tantrism into one’s relationship and by what means?

Tantrism, what is it?

The term Tantrism brings together a set of dogmas, rituals, texts and practices revolving around spirituality, which have strongly influenced the Hindu and Buddhist religions. The word comes from the Sanskri “tantra”, which means “rule”. Tantrism tends towards a way of life where one combines well-being, desire and spirituality, in particular through rituals and yogic exercises. Thus, practices such as yoga or tantric massages and texts such as Kamasutra are associated with it. Spiritually, Tantrism aims to allow man to achieve liberation (or deliverance) while integrating his body into the universe and the energies that compose it. Today, Tantrism as a religious and spiritual process is mainly practiced in Asia, especially in India and Tibet.

The links between tantrism and sexuality

Tantrism considers that sexuality can lead to a form of ecstasy, both physical and spiritual. Sex is seen as a sacred thing, which can lead to a transcendent state called “awakening” or “deliverance”. To achieve this, it is then necessary to have recourse to sexual practices and rites, of which tantric massages are a part. These practices of sacred sexuality are believed to take the individuals who practice them to a powerful sensory experience, where the physical body merges with the psychic to become one. Thus, with tantrism, the body is eroticized and becomes the support of orgasmic sensations. Like meditation, this form of sacred sexuality is seen as a deep personal experience, accessible to all through inner work.

How to integrate tantrism into your relationship

There are several ways to integrate Tantrism into one’s sexuality. For example, you can learn about tantric massages, which will be discussed below, but also other exercises with a sensual aim. Tantrism uses meditation and breathing as elements necessary for awakening. In sexuality, this philosophy can be translated into relaxation exercises to be done before sexual intercourse, to put your body and mind in good shape. Likewise, Tantrism does not consider orgasm as an end in itself. Indeed, in this way of thinking, the path that leads there, and therefore the pleasure that one takes with his or her partner during love, is as much or even more important than the orgasm itself. Thus, Tantrism requires deconstructing certain patterns in which we are sometimes confined.

What is a tantric massage?

Tantric massages can be one of the ways to integrate tantrism into your relationship in a simple and progressive way. They awaken the senses and awaken new or unexplored sensations. Tantric massage is a sensual and passionate exchange between the two partners, which is practiced only in an intimate setting (and not in a salon for example, because of its assumed sexual nature). It is practiced naked, using massage oil. There are no techniques or movements strictly speaking: a massage that is tantric will be felt more in its intention and in the erotic intensity of the gestures. Finally, the idea is to stimulate your partner’s whole body in different ways, with slow and subtle gestures.

The benefits of sensual massages

These massages can be performed before sexual intercourse, such as foreplay. They make it possible to put the partners in a very sensual erotic climate and to arouse the desire of each one. In addition, they allow you to explore the body of the other and thus to better tame it. A tantric massage allows the abandonment of oneself and gives to the one who receives it a feeling of deliverance and relaxation conducive to the principle Finally, in the long term, the tantric massage constitutes an essential step towards the tantric orgasm, which one can have without necessarily stimulating the sexual areas. This orgasm is perceived as a powerful exchange between the two partners, a kind of fusion that leads to total ecstasy.

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