Syzranov Dmitry Mikhailovich: biography of the legendary general

Syzranov Dmitry Mikhailovich: biography of the legendary general

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Syzranov street in Taganrog

On the shores of the Azov Sea, one of the most beautiful cities of the Rostov region, Taganrog, is freely spread out. It was founded in 1698 by Peter I.

Now it is home to about a quarter of a million people. Russians usually associate this city with the great Russian writer and playwright A.P. Chekhov. Although the residents of Taganrog can name dozens of glorious names involved in the fate of this wonderful ancient city.

Hurrying to work, study or walking around the city, few people think about the names of the streets. But streets, like people, have their own unique face, destiny, and sometimes a unique history.

More than twenty streets of Taganrog are named after major military leaders, legendary underground fighters, heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.

In the area of ​​the residential area “Russian Field” there is a street that since 1978 bears the name of Major General Syzranov, the commander of the 416th Taganrog Red Banner Order of Suvorov II degree of the rifle division. It stretches for a couple of kilometers and connects two highways – Polyakovskoe and Mariupolskoe.

Biography of Dmitry Mikhailovich Syzranov

Dmitry Mikhailovich was born on September 24, 1900 in the village. Kudrino, Astrakhan province. From 1920 to 1923 he was a cadet of the Petrograd military school of infantrymen. From that time on, his whole life was inextricably linked with the army.

When the war began, Major Syzranov was appointed chief of the operational department of the headquarters of the 56th Army, which was part of the Southern Front, which defended the southern direction and directly Rostov-on-Don.

Syzranov Dmitry Mikhailovich: biography of the legendary general

D.M. Syzranov Years of life: 1900-1974

The chief of staff of the group of forces of the Rostov direction, Syzranov, in the fall of 1941, was developing the conduct of military operations. He took a personal part in battles in the defense of Taganrog.

At the end of 1941, Colonel Syzranov was appointed commander of a rifle division of the 44th army formed in Azerbaijan. The division fought in the foothills of the Caucasus, fought from the Mozdok steppes to the Sea of ​​Azov.

At the beginning of 1942, the army fought fierce battles with fascist tank corps. But in front of superior enemy forces, she temporarily retreated to Kamensk, to the Sev River. Donets, and then to Novocherkassk.

In the fall, parts of the army regrouped near Malgobek and entered defensive battles on the Mozdok line. Colonel Syzranov was appointed division commander.

At the beginning of 1943, his division took possession of the Kairovsky heights and the village of Grafskoye. In February, the division received an order to prevent the withdrawal of enemy troops from Rostov to Taganrog. Having completed the task, the 416th division ran into the fortifications of the Mius-front near Sambek.

In August 1943, Syzranov’s division distinguished itself in an offensive operation in the Donbass. Having defeated the fascists, on August 30, she liberated the city of Taganrog, and began to be called “Taganrog”. The city spent 680 days in the occupation.

Then the division led a consistent offensive in the direction of Melitopol. There the brigade commander received a shell shock after being blown up by an anti-tank mine. However, a few days later he was back in the ranks. His division also took part in the liberation of Melitopol.

The 416th Infantry Division fought for the Caucasus, liberating Odessa, Chisinau and Warsaw. She took part in the storming of Berlin and ended the war at the Brandenburg Gate.

After retirement, Syzranov lived in Leningrad, was active in public work. He passed away on July 16, 1974.

Awards and memory

Major General Syzranov was awarded three Orders of Lenin, two of the Red Banner, two of the Patriotic War of the XNUMXst degree, Kutuzov of the XNUMXnd degree, two of the Red Star, and foreign orders.

In the Taganrog school number 26, the Museum of Military Glory of the legendary division was created.

Since 2011, Taganrog has been named “City of Military Glory” for courage, resilience and mass heroism during the Great Patriotic War. The day of the liberation of the city from the German occupation is one of the most important in the history of Taganrog. It is celebrated annually on August 30th. We remember!

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