Symptoms of reduced immunity – fatigue, changes in the mouth, rashes, frequent colds. This is how your body warns you
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The body’s immunity plays a key role in times when infections are at risk. An efficient immune response is equally important during the coronavirus epidemic. Immunity can be lowered by a poor diet, stress, or lack of exercise, all that is conducive to isolation caused by a global pandemic. How does the body warn that our immunity is weakened?

  1. How to support immunity? A proper diet, daily physical activity and adequate sleep are important.
  2. Immunity can also be increased by supplementation. A set of vitamins for immunity is available on the Medonet Market.
  3. Herbal teas will also work well, such as Immune Support Bio Yogi Tea with acerola, elderberry and wild rose in the composition or EKO rowan fruit – dried for making tea.
  4. However, can we read the signals that our body uses to show us that immunity is weakened? We list them below. It is worth remembering and carefully examining your health.
  5. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

Fatigue and lack of sleep in the times of coronavirus

Symptoms such as chronic fatigue and problems with sleep may indicate that the body’s immunity is lowered. Feeling tired – especially if it isn’t the result of not having enough sleep or doing activities that were actually tiring – is often the result of stress. This symptom, especially if it persists for a long time, is a signal that can be read as a decrease in immunity. It is when we are exhausted that we become more prone to infections, including COVID-19.

It is very likely that our immunity is lowered also when we have trouble sleeping. It is during sleep that the production of the body’s immune cells accelerates, and the processes responsible for faster regeneration take place. This is why it is recommended that sick people sleep a lot during an infection. However, sleep also matters when we are healthy. Allows for maintenance Immune system balance and his readiness to fight any possible infection.

To improve your immunity and at the same time strengthen your body, especially during flu and colds, try Pukka Original Chai – warming tea.

Check: Lack of sleep and its importance for health. What can sleep disturbances lead to?

Mouth lesions – mouth ulcers and infections

Various types of changes in the oral cavity are also evidence of weakened immunity. Examples include canker sores on the gums or tongue, one of the causes of which is vitamin and mineral deficiencies. If there are deficiencies in our body, they can be a clue for us, informing about a reduced immunity. To prevent this from happening and to strengthen the body in the face of the risk of coronavirus infection, a balanced diet is very important.

It is not only mouth ulcers that indicate a decrease in immunity. Another symptom of a worse condition of the body are opportunistic bacterial or fungal infections. These types of infections are caused by microorganisms that are present in our body, but do not cause symptoms or discomfort as long as the immune system is in good condition. If our immunity decreases, white spots, or thrush, may appear in the mouth. They are most often caused by fungi of the Candida family.

If we have not experienced changes in the mouth, such as canker sores or thrush before, and they suddenly appear, it is likely that the body signals a decline in immunity in this way. Do you want to strengthen your body? Reach for black ground coffee with chaga.

Also read: Coronavirus: Diet to Boost Immunity. What should you eat now?

Skin rashes and the immune system

The rash appearing on the skin is a little specific symptom, which is sometimes a symptom of allergies, but also of various diseases, including internal diseases. There are also skin rashes resulting from changes in the immune system. If the rash appears for an unknown reason and does not go away, it is a good idea to consult a dermatologist – also teleportation.

If you want to improve your immunity, order Oxymel with nettle, borage and thyme. The ingredients of the preparation have anti-inflammatory properties and additionally support the digestive system.

Check also: Symptoms of coronavirus on the skin. Infected people may develop a rash

Slower wound healing as a result of weakened immunity

Wounds and cuts heal at different rates, and a lot depends on factors such as the type of damage, the location on the body, and the individual response of the body. If the wound is healing more slowly than usual, it may be a sign of decreased immunity or infection. In such a situation, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

To strengthen your immunity, you can also use a set of four Natjun teas. Teas will help to hydrate the body, and thanks to the composition of natural ingredients, they support the immune system. Thanks to the aesthetic packaging, they will also work as a gift for a loved one.

Frequent colds and immunity

Frequent colds also indicate a decrease in immunity. Their high frequency often means that the immune system is not coping effectively with the pathogens it comes into contact with. The solution may be to change the diet, increase physical activity or reduce stimulants. Try Ashwagandha Root, which can be drunk as a tea.

Immunity can also be increased with appropriate supplementation. Medonet Market offers a wide selection of dietary supplements that are rich in vitamins and minerals and have a positive effect on the immune system. We recommend, for example, Panacea Immunity – Pharmovit liquid supplement or Family oil with vitamin D – Health and immunity currently available at promotional prices.

Do you want to strengthen your immunity? Reach for freeze-dried mandarins by weight, which are an excellent source of vitamin C. Supplementation is also an effective way to reduce susceptibility to infections. Order today:

  1. Immunity Superfoods Elixir Intenson – a strengthening elixir
  2. Selen SOLHERBS
  3. Vitamin C1000 in capsules or SOLHERBS powder

In the current epidemiological situation symptoms typical of a cold they can actually be symptoms of coronavirus infection. Particular attention should be paid to symptoms of the respiratory system (cough, shortness of breath), as well as fever or bothersome fatigue.

  1. The improvement of immunity is also positively influenced by 100% organic lime juice, ECO raspberry syrup and ecological elderberry flower syrup, which can be added to tea, but also to other drinks or dishes.

Do you struggle with frequent infections and colds? You can additionally perform a pack of 6 blood tests to check your immunity. Such tests should be performed regularly. Thanks to them, you have the opportunity to find out what to change in your diet or what supplements to use to make the immune system function better.

Read also:

  1. Vitamin D Deficiency Increases COVID-19 Risk?
  2. Nutritional mistakes that weaken immunity. What to avoid in times of coronavirus?

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