Symptoms and signs of psychological personality disorders

Hello dear blog readers! Today we will talk about what are psychological personality disorders. And also why they occur and what symptoms may indicate their presence. We’re only looking at the tip of the iceberg, so try to refrain from diagnosing yourself and those you know. This is the work of a specialist, leave it to him.


There is such a science as nosology. It deals with the study, description and classification of diseases. So, in nosology, the following types of mental disorders are distinguished:


Based on the name, it can be assumed that a person with paranoid tendencies tends to suspect others of evil intentions aimed at causing her any harm.

She may also have thoughts about how special and important she is, significant in this world. Therefore, it reacts extremely aggressively to criticism. And even in actions aimed at helping her, he sees hostility. This happens due to the inability to correctly assess reality, the perception of this world is too distorted, which gives such a result.

There are practically no friends, which is not surprising, relations with close people are also strained. It is difficult to be in contact with a person, even a relative, if he is not able to show any emotions other than envy, anger. Who is usually emotionally detached and occupied only with his thoughts.


The symptoms are somewhat similar to the paranoid type. A person suffering from schizoid disorder is also emotionally cold, not sociable. He absolutely does not care what happens to other people, how they live, what they are fond of, and so on. Accordingly, there can be no talk of any parties, holidays and other events. Although, if you become addicted to alcohol or drugs, the process of communication may be easier. It is for this reason that addicts are often found among schizoids.

He is inclined to commit eccentric acts, as he does not understand and does not take into account the rules of behavior in society, norms and laws. Can achieve tremendous success in some area because of his selfless work. Despite criticism and misunderstanding, he will continue to follow his interest, believing in the correctness of the chosen position. Let it be an unusual, absurd lifestyle, diet, religion or philosophy.


They commit antisocial acts, categorically refusing to follow generally accepted norms of behavior and abide by the law. Therefore, they are often associated with crime, participating in robberies, fights, stealing and drinking excessively alcohol or drugs.

They are not able to take responsibility for their actions and want to have fun, fulfill their needs without much effort. That is, getting what you want, but not working at the same time.

Symptoms and signs of psychological personality disorders

They are characterized by excessive irascibility and aggressiveness. Dissocials constantly lie and endanger those around them, even relatives and loved ones. They can be quite charismatic, which only simplifies the process of manipulating people.

Most often, this species can be observed in male adolescents, from about 16 to 18 years. They fall into various criminal gangs, believing that they made the right choice in this life.


The hysteric tries to attract attention to himself, and sometimes it doesn’t matter what it is and in what way it was received. Therefore, they dress and behave somewhat extravagantly, lie, commit rash acts. They even agree to be a negative character, just not to feel indifference towards themselves.

Cases of hypochondria, that is, suspiciousness, are not uncommon. Sometimes a person can harm himself intentionally, if only he would be pitied and cared for.

Excessive emotionality leads to excessive dramatization, the slightest difficulty is perceived as a tragedy. Tantrums often idealize the image of another person, which is why, when faced with reality, they instantly get used to the role of a sufferer who was treated unfairly. They can even talk as if they are participating in a theatrical production. Playing, of course, the main role.

In addition to the above signs, there are also sexual disorders, problems with alcohol. Behavior is sometimes inadequate, and reactions are completely inappropriate for the situation. They are unpredictable and stormy literally on any irritant.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

In the abbreviated version of the OKR. Such people are characterized by obsession with thoughts or actions. To get rid of anxiety, most often they come up with a ritual that, at least for a while, allows you to feel safe.

Emotions so overwhelm their mind that they become unable to concentrate on something, despite the obvious illogicality of thoughts and ideas, until the source of experiences is eliminated. For example, they will not be able to fall asleep if they do not pull the door handle 13 times. Only so many clicks on it will convince you that it is really closed.

Intolerant and unable to adapt creatively to change. If their order, a well-thought-out system is under threat of violation, it leads to panic and even aggressive behavior.

Completely devoid of a sense of humor. This fact is precisely the key in the absence of the ability to adapt and change. They take everything literally and seriously.

The level of self-esteem is underestimated. It is difficult for them to make decisions and rely on their resources and capabilities. Constant doubt and fear. This brings a lot of suffering, which is why depression is a common accompanying OCD disease.


Characterized by delusions of grandeur. A person demands and expects admiration and enthusiastic responses towards his person. Does not perceive criticism, considering it just a manifestation of envy. Why either devalues ​​any phrase that does not imply praise, or reacts quite aggressively, choosing the position «the best defense is an attack.» And in general, they think that everyone without exception wants to be in their place.

Symptoms and signs of psychological personality disorders

They use other people to satisfy their desires, without observing anything shameful in this. They consider themselves special, privileged. Therefore, the rest should almost serve them. They strive for power, which will only increase the feeling of omnipotence. Building relationships, as you know, is quite difficult with them. Partnership and equality should certainly be forgotten. Only those who are ready to ignore their own ambitions and desires remain nearby.

Here, we took a closer look at perverse daffodils.

General negative consequences

— Violation of the work of internal organs.

– The risk of developing any kind of addiction. The most common are chemical, that is, alcoholism, drug addiction. Violations in sexual behavior may appear in the form of an indiscriminate change of sexual partners.

— Tendency to suicidal behavior. Often the suicide is successful.

— At the moment of stress or crisis, a nervous breakdown occurs. A person does not have enough resources to withstand and cope with stress.

— Slow recovery process due to the fact that usually does not make contact with the attending physician. May suspect family members of some kind of conspiracy, which is why he does not trust anyone, which also complicates attempts to help.

— Due to the fact that ideas about oneself and the world are broken, and reactions to events are not always adequate, such a person can provoke the onset of a mental illness in a child. Of course, if he is engaged in his upbringing.

– Development of concomitant mental disorders.



Those that were inherited or arose due to any internal processes. For example, these may be changes in the immune or nervous system, metabolism, age, and so on. Or during the prenatal period. Suppose a mother during pregnancy suffered a disease that was dangerous for the fetus, used drugs, drugs that were contraindicated during the period of bearing a child, and so on.

Endogenous causes include schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, cyclothymia, and so on.

Endogenous organic

Deviations develop due to the influence of internal or external factors that led to organic brain damage. For example, due to a traumatic brain injury, infections that affect the nervous system, or severe poisoning of the body with any substances.

This includes epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, various types of dementia, that is, dementia, and so on.


That is, those that have arisen as a result of the impact on the psyche of various stressful situations. The stress could be so powerful that there were no internal resources to withstand it. Or it often happens that there is an accumulation of stress when a person does not recover, does not rest, but tries every day to cope, even with minimal, not particularly tangible difficulties. At one point, it just suddenly turns out that the body is simply not able to continue in the same spirit. Psychogenic include psychosomatic diseases, neuroses and even reactive psychoses.

In addition, severe stress can provoke other, more dangerous and severe mental illnesses. For example, schizophrenia.

Symptoms and signs of psychological personality disorders

Personality pathologies

Arose as a result of abnormal development of personality. These include psychopathy, oligophrenia and other mental retardation.


Treatment is usually with medication and psychotherapy. It is complex, because the effect of drugs is sometimes not enough to change, get rid of symptoms along with the usual way of responding to difficulties, a distorted worldview or self-esteem.

It is important for patients to build a trusting relationship with their doctor. And this is a long process. And, as you know, medication alone is really not enough. Like any intervention of a psychotherapist, if a person is during an exacerbation of the disease. An overestimated level of anxiety or aggression will not make it possible to hear and correctly interpret the words of a specialist.


General provisions for the prevention of personality disorders, as such, do not exist. It is clear that it is impossible to avoid stress, but in order to cope with it, it is necessary that the body has enough resources.

Therefore, you should not work hard. Be attentive to yourself, learn to relax and find constructive ways to resolve conflicts. Do not hold on to negative feelings, they can eventually provoke psychosomatic illnesses. Check out this article, it shows the most effective ways to help restore peace of mind and get rid of the influence of stressful situations.

And that’s all for today! Take care of yourself, be healthy and happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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