Swimming program – 4 water workouts for a beautiful body

Swimming program – 4 water workouts for a beautiful body

Swim your distance to the swimmer’s firm and toned body, and let everyone else beg you to put on a swimsuit.

Author: C.J. Souver


Swimming is a form of exercise that is rarely remembered, and if your gym membership includes a visit to the pool, why not use it? Yes, yes, I know it might sound a little scary. Styles, technique, equipment, etiquette, timing and intensity – swimming has its own set of rules and strategies.

However, all this fades into the background when you think of the perfect body of a swimmer with a chiseled silhouette! It is elastic, fit, strong and graceful. This is exactly the type of addition that many people strive to achieve. Not skinny, not massive, but a combination of everything you need. Plus, swimming is one of the best forms of cardio workout you can find – when submerged in water, your entire body does a resistance workout.

So why not dive into the water and come out with a more attractive figure? It takes very little to get started, and I’ll provide you with information so you can hit the pool today!

Swimming set

You wear certain clothes and use special equipment when doing strength training or jogging. The same is true for swimming:

1. Glasses

Chlorine in water is really a nuisance. You don’t want people to think about why you have red eyes. Plus, the glasses look great! Their cost ranges from 150 to 1500 rubles.


2. Swimming suit

I like body-hugging bikini bottoms, but if you’re more conservative, regular shorts will do. For women, a special swimsuit will be better than a bikini, however, the choice is yours. The range of prices is very wide, so find what suits you!

3. Swimming board

Many pools have such boards, but you can buy your own for about 150 to 900 rubles. A swim board is used to insulate your lower body.


4. Kolobashka (float in the form of an eight) or floating dumbbells

Gyms with a swimming pool usually have such fixtures, but you can buy your own for 200 rubles. The kolobashka is used to isolate the upper half of the body.

5. Fins (optional)

You never know if a pool has free fins. So get ready to buy your own for between RUR 400 and RUR 1500.

6. Waterproof watch (optional)

They come in very handy for checking the time while swimming. You don’t need something very expensive and fashionable – you can find a great pair with a stopwatch for 800-1000 rubles.


7. Life jacket or aquapelt

Many gyms with pools have this equipment. The cost of each item ranges from 160 to 1000 rubles. You can use them to swim at the end of your workout.

8. Bathing cap (optional)

Uncollected hair in the pool causes certain inconveniences. The hat costs from 250 to 700 rubles.

Pool etiquette

Have you ever faced a situation when someone in the gym occupies your bench or simulator? This is infuriating; and when meeting with impolite swimmers in the pool, there is a desire to drown them. Follow the rules below and don’t risk your own life.


1. Choose a lane that matches your swimming speed

You don’t want anyone to have to swim slower because of you, and you also don’t want to have to slow down yourself. Therefore, to feel comfortable, find a lane that matches your swimming speed.

2. Always ask or warn the swimmer that you want to share the lane with him.

It’s not too polite to invade someone else’s space in the pool. But when it gets crowded, swimmers have to divide lanes. Usually the maximum number of swimmers on one lane is three. And do not try to divide a lane if there is only one person in the pool besides you. This is just ridiculous.

3. When asking about the opportunity to take the same path, agree on how you will share it

You can either swim in circles one after the other, like on a racing track, or split the track into two halves in the middle and stay on your side. Make sure you and your partner understand each other correctly!


Now everything looks great, but a head-on collision is only a matter of time.

4. Don’t forget about other swimmers on your lane

If you need to rest or feel that you are about to be overtaken, stop at the end of the track, not in the middle. For safety reasons, always keep an eye on where your partner is while swimming.

5. Minimize conversations

It just freaks me out when someone in the gym tries to tell me about their life, and in the pool this situation is even more terrible. We all have places to rush, exercises to do. Close your mouth and swim.

Achieving the goal

The intensity of your swimming workout is largely dependent on one variable – your heart rate (HR). This is the same as heart rate and is measured in beats per minute (BPM). To lose weight, we want to stay within our maximum effective heart rate. How to calculate it?

  1. First we need your maximum heart rate (MHR). Subtract your age from 220 to find your MHR.
  2. Multiply your HRM by 0,85 and you get your maximum target heart rate (Max HRR).
  3. Multiply your HRM by 0,75 and you get the Average Target Heart Rate (Avg HRR).
  4. Multiply your HRM by 0,65 and you get the Minimum Target Heart Rate (Min HRR).

For your workout to be most effective and burn the maximum number of calories, swimming will require you to adhere to the last three values ​​during different periods of your workout. It is necessary that your heart rate does not exceed the Max heart rate (otherwise it will be too heavy mode) and not below the Min heart rate (which will correspond to an insufficiently heavy mode).

Your workout will be designed so that you can periodically measure your heart rate during rest periods.

To find out your heart rate right now, place 2 fingers on the carotid artery and count the pulse for 30 seconds. To get the desired value, multiply this number by 2.

Swimming technique

For techniques and tips for different swimming styles, use the following links:

    Time to take a dip!

    This workout includes a variety of resistance exercises to help tone muscles, burn fat, and improve speed, endurance, and cardiovascular function.

    You will swim in a variety of styles that involve the whole body or a part of it, 3 different intensities, different distances and types of rest.

    Workout # 1: Upper Body Exercises

    All exercises except warm-up and cool-down are performed with a buckle to isolate the upper body.

    Note: Check your heart rate when resting for 30 seconds after completing each exercise. This is to make sure your heart rate matches the target heart rate for that segment of your workout.

    Training №1

    Warming up at a slow pace:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    60% MHR:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    75% MHR:
    1 approach on 150 м.
    1 approach on 150 м.
    1 approach on 150 м.
    85% MHR:
    1 approach on 100 м.
    1 approach on 100 м.
    1 approach on 100 м.
    Cool down at a slow pace:
    1 approach on 200 м.

    Workout # 2: Lower Body Exercises

    All exercises except warm-up and cool-down are performed using a swim board to isolate the lower body. Additionally, you can use fins.

    Note: Check your heart rate when resting for 30 seconds after completing each exercise. This is to make sure your heart rate matches the target heart rate for that segment of your workout.

    Training №2

    Warm up at a slow pace:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    60% MHR:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    75% MHR:
    1 approach on 150 м.
    1 approach on 150 м.
    1 approach on 150 м.
    85% MHR:
    1 approach on 100 м.
    1 approach on 100 м.
    1 approach on 100 м.
    Cool down at a slow pace:
    1 approach on 200 м.

    Workout # 3: Different Styles Workout

    Note: Check your heart rate when resting for 30 seconds after completing each exercise. This is to make sure your heart rate matches the target heart rate for that segment of your workout.

    Training №3

    Warm up at a slow pace:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    60% MHR:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    75% MHR:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    85% MHR:
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    1 approach on 200 м.
    Cool down at a slow pace:
    1 approach on 200 м.

    Workout # 4: Swim 1 Mile

    Please note that you must swim this distance without rest or with very short rest, so you should take care to stay within your target heart rate. Heart rate checks should be kept to a minimum.

    Training №4

    1 approach on 200 м.
    with a kolobashka

    1 approach on 100 м.

    with board

    1 approach on 100 м.

    1 approach on 200 м.
    with a kolobashka

    1 approach on 100 м.

    with board

    1 approach on 100 м.

    1 approach on 200 м.
    with a kolobashka

    1 approach on 100 м.

    with board

    1 approach on 200 м.

    1 approach on 200 м.

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