Strong emotions of 2013

What was 2013 like? Probably, answering, everyone will think about something personal. And we decided to recall those events that excited many, uniting millions of people with a strong feeling or vivid emotion. We chose six of them – at our discretion. And they asked psychologists to tell us about the nature of these feelings. This is not a rating and not a hit parade. Before you is rather an attempt to comprehend how we relate to our lives.


Yakov Kochetkov, clinical psychologist

Alexei Navalny’s 27% of the vote in the Moscow mayoral election on September 8 was seen by many in Russia as a good sign, seeing it as a source of hope for a better future. “One of the criteria for the quality of life is our feeling that certain actions lead to the expected results,” comments Yakov Kochetkov. “Positive psychology calls it a sense of alignment. And we miss that feeling. Elections with a predictable outcome, lack of control of power by citizens – all this gives rise to a sense of learned helplessness. In such a situation, both people and animals in laboratory experiments lose motivation, and hope for achieving results is lost. The election of the mayor of Moscow unexpectedly showed that the votes of the voters are still taken into account and can influence something. Maintaining a sense of coherence by yourself is almost impossible, it depends on the social environment. And getting those kinds of social signals is really encouraging.”


Lev Khegay, Jungian analyst, psychotherapist

The flood in the Far East at the end of the summer gave rise to talk not only about the troubles, but also about the courage of the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Many felt pride in those who had done their duty. “Cataclysms hurt us not only as a source of threat, but also as a symbol of psychic trauma, a breakthrough of experiences that destroy the sense of control,” explains Lev Khegay. In Greek mythology, this situation was expressed, for example, in the image of Hercules, pacifying the Cretan bull. Falling under the spell of this heroic scenario, modern man rapes, exploits both the environment and himself. And pride in this case is understandable – we are convinced that it is possible to pacify the elements. But as the revenge of nature, we receive natural disasters and spiritual crises in response, which expose the fragility of both civilization and our mental structures. Yes, we admire the rescuers, but we are also fascinated by the power of the elements, against which our insignificance is acutely realized.


Is our list of strong emotions of the year incomplete? Do you remember another bright event that concerns all of us? Tell us about your feelings. The authors of the best stories will receive prizes from Melvita


Marina Baskakova, gestalt therapist

Angelina Jolie’s decision to have both breasts removed caused controversy. And if abroad, many warmly supported the actress, then in Russia, the main reaction was bewilderment. “Confusion comes from what we do not understand,” Marina Baskakova reflects. – Jolie is perceived by many not so much as a person, but as a symbol, an icon. Please note: speaking of her operation, we are more often talking about the breasts, and not about the mammary glands – there is a substitution of the medical context for the sexual one. And the prophylactic removal of the mammary glands turns into cutting off the breast – the icon itself encroaches on its status. It’s really hard to understand this. Another reason lies in our attitude towards (our) medicine. It is difficult for many of us to imagine how you can trust her with your body – almost the only asset that we can somehow control. According to vital indications, you have to do it, for preventive purposes – this, of course, is beyond the understanding of many.


Ekaterina Orel, psychologist

“Dima Yakovlev’s law”, the fight against propaganda of homosexuality… The legislative activity of Russian deputies this year caused not only amazement, but also a feeling that many felt as impotence. “Here we can note a whole range of negative emotions that arise when insurmountable obstacles appear on our way,” says Ekaterina Orel. – This is not only impotence, but also anger, fear, guilt and shame. All of them together characterize the state of frustration. Many of the new Russian laws overnight removed the plans, hopes of thousands and the daily lives of thousands of people from the legal field. When it suddenly becomes impossible to do something as mundane as holding the hand of a loved one or publicly demonstrating one’s disagreement, frustration becomes a natural reaction. It is strengthened by the fact that prohibitions and threats come from the state, the main purpose of which, on the contrary, is to protect its citizens, to ensure their safety.”


Ekaterina Mikhailova, psychotherapist

The revelations of Edward Snowden, the facts of the invasion of intelligence agencies into our private lives – the sensation of the year. The main reaction both in Russia and abroad is indignation. “This feeling here is mixed with anger and surprise,” notes Ekaterina Mikhailova. – How so?! We, free and IT-literate, decided that there was territory beyond the control of Big Brother. It turned out – it seemed. The intelligence agencies are more powerful than ever. And your only life and the personal correspondence corresponding to it can at any moment arouse their unhealthy interest. Anger and indignation hide anguish and a sense of helplessness, which is why they are so strong. And the image of the special services as a demonized figure of total control is so terrifying that anger and indignation can also arise in a person whom they will never be interested in. We especially resent when an illusion is taken away from us—in this case, the illusion of safety. And since being naive and gullible in today’s world is not very decent, in place of shame for one’s gullibility, an outburst of rage instantly arises.


Svetlana Krivtsova, existential psychotherapist

The new Pope demonstrates amazing simplicity and sincerity, earning respect from people of various religious views. “Pope Francis does not change himself – he lives the way he thinks is right and the way he is used to living,” Svetlana Krivtsova reflects. – To distinguish between the superficial and the essential – this is what everyone lacks today, and especially in our country. And when a person is able to separate one from the other, neglecting wealth and the trappings of power, this deserves respect. Especially in the era of general narcissism, when the desire for luxury is considered for some reason excusable even by spiritual leaders.

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