How to deal with a psychological crisis? How to pull yourself out of the swamp of blues and despondency? A few specific tips.
What if something terrible happened: you were told terrible news, you quarreled with someone close to you, you were fired, insulted, abandoned, deceived, the door slammed shut or there were short beeps in the receiver and you were left alone with your misfortune?
If this or something else, no less serious, happened, in order not to go crazy, you need to save yourself. That is, independently and urgently do something. Namely…
1. Call someone immediately and share your trouble, better friends. It would be nice if friends turned out to be quick-witted and immediately went to your aid, taking with them grilled chicken, cakes or something that always helps you. The main thing is not to lock yourself up, not to dwell on the bad, to make contact with the world and people who can support you.
2. To drink a lot of water, liquids such as mineral water and juices, but not alcohol. Strict rule: never get drunk! Alcohol aggravates depression and depresses. Cigarettes work the same way.
3. «Take apart» sight. A person who feels bad has a look, as they say, in a bunch: frozen, directed, as it were, inward. In this state, he cannot be distracted, shuffling the same negative thoughts and feelings in himself.
If you «pull» the look, the stress will also dissipate. To do this, it is better to go outside — where there are no visual boundaries, ceilings and walls. Get out and start breathing deeply and look around, paying attention to small details. You can go to stores where there are a lot of people and goods on the shelves.
Try to get accustomed to flowers, inscriptions on packs, small details, consider everything in detail
To spread your eyes, try to look closely at the flowers, the inscriptions on the packs, small details, look at everything in detail. This helps not only with severe stress, but also when it is necessary to switch from working concentration to a “resting” wave.
By the way, going out to people does not mean communicating with them, but being among people is also therapy. If you feel so bad that you can’t go anywhere, make an effort — go out onto the balcony or go to the window for the same purpose: look around the world around you, follow the eyes of a cloud or a car so that your eyes “run up”.
4. Turn something beautiful, pleasant to the touch in your hands: favorite toy, a cold bottle of perfume, a rosary. At the same time, you can say: “I’m fine”, “everything will pass”, “he is a fool, and I’m smart”, “I’m the best” …
5. Listen to music. The guitar one is especially good, but in general any one you like, but not sad. The most positive and therapeutic is Latin American.
6. Easy to massage the center of the palm. There are endings of the nerve centers of the solar plexus. Gently sweep the center of your palm with your fingertips. Remember how in childhood: «The magpie-crow cooked porridge, fed the children.» Draw a spiral, it should be a little ticklish.
7. Pick an orange. Orange therapy is affordable, everything fights stress in it: orange color, round shape, as if specially for our palms, porous, pleasant to the touch surface, juicy fresh taste and smell. Scrape the peel of an orange, inhale the essential oils, hold it in your hands, look at it. You can cut and put in front of you on a plate. And it is best to roll an orange on the chest and neck. These areas are called the depression area.
8. Eat bitter (not milk) chocolate. It promotes the production of endorphins, which are also called «hormones of happiness.» Aerated chocolate will create a feeling of lightness. A beautifully designed wrapper will also cheer you up.
9. Spend money on yourself — it always helps a lot. The flow of money is the flow of life, and life goes on. Money will flow, and stress will flow with it.