

Stigma is a frequent phenomenon, which has many consequences. It can be combined with discrimination, for which it is possible to file a complaint. 

What is stigma?

Stigma is the sidelining of a person for their differences which are seen as contrary to the norms of society. There are 3 types of stigma. The first targets people with a physical manifestation or visible external deformities (scars, physical infirmities, obesity), the second, people with differences in their behavior (mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, criminal history) and the third , people of nationality, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation considered to be outside local social norms. 

Stigma and self-stigma

Society rejects the stigmatized person but the stigmatized person himself feels discriminated against and rejected because of the phenomenon of self-stigmatization.

“Self-stigma occurs when people with mental illness and their families internalize negative societal attitudes towards them, which causes them to blame themselves and have low self-esteem” (text published on the website: Mental Illness Awareness Week 2008)

The higher the level of stigma, the greater the psychological distress of the stigmatized person. 

The consequences of stigma are manifold. It has consequences on a personal level: low self-esteem, feelings of shame, guilt, inferiority, stress, isolation … Stigma also has social consequences: exclusion from the world of work, difficulties in obtaining a job. housing, adaptation difficulties, marginalization …

For sick people who are victims of stigmatization, being stigmatized can also have consequences on care: abandonment of care, difficulties in accessing care, etc.

What to do about stigma?

In the face of discrimination, several strategies can be put in place EM. First, it is possible to leave a devalued group to join a group with a better reputation (the unemployed have put in place job search strategies for me, for example). The perceptual adjustment of reality is another strategy. It is possible to minimize discrimination to maintain self-esteem.

Another way to better experience being stigmatized is to find a group to belong to, which makes it possible to find support and comfort.

Stigma and discrimination, file a complaint

If you are stigmatized, discriminated, or devalued in your workplace, do you have the possibility to go to court or to the Defender of Rights for discriminatory harassment.

In the event of discrimination (whatever the criterion of discrimination: sex, age, physical appearance, ethnic origin, state of health, sexual orientation, etc.), whether in the areas of access to housing, education, supply of goods or services …), you can file a complaint because any discrimination is illegal. 

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