Sources of calcium

Calcium has been rightly associated with bone health. However, the body needs it not only for this, and its lack can give rise to many problems in addition to weak bones and teeth.

Studies have shown that low calcium levels in the diet can increase blood pressure. Conversely, eating more calcium foods lowers blood pressure in people with hypertension. Other scientific studies link calcium deficiency with rickets.

I’m sure you probably think that you need to eat dairy products to maintain proper calcium levels. (By the way, think about where we got this information? It seems to me from an advertisement for yoghurts … a very authoritative source!). In fact, on the contrary, those who consume large amounts of cow’s milk products subsequently suffer from osteoporosis and other diseases, but more on that in other posts.

Surprisingly, a lot of calcium is found in some vegetables and fruits. Here is some of them:

  • Browncol (or kale)
  • kale
  • broccoli
  • Sea kale
  • spinach
  • soybeans (only natural, not modified)
  • oranges and tangerines
  • astrologically
  • kiwi
  • dates
  • figs
  • rhubarb
  • prickly pear – exotic fruit also known as prickly pear cactus
  • plums and especially prunes
  • mulberry / mulberry
  • kumquat


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