Sore throat

In some cases, a sore throat precedes other symptoms of a viral or bacterial upper respiratory tract infection.

Cause of sore throat

The most common cause of sore throat is pharyngitis, inflammation of the back of the throat. Occasionally occurs chronic pharyngitiswhen this disease recurs regularly and the unpleasant sensation in the throat persists for a long time.

Sore throat with sore throat

One of the causes of a sore throat may be angina (tonsillitis). Tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils become inflamed and swollen. The tonsils are located on the sides at the entrance to the pharynx. Tonsillitis occurs more often in children than in adults. In some cases, tonsillitis occurs several times a year for several years. In such cases we talk about chronic tonsillitis. Acute tonsillitis lasts from 4 to 6 days.

Sore throat in the larynx

RџSЂRё laryngitis The voice often becomes hoarse or hoarse, and sometimes disappears altogether for a while. This occurs because there is not enough air reaching the vocal cords. Hoarseness is not a disease, it is simply a sign that the function of the vocal cords is impaired.

Causes of sore throat

  • bacterial throat infection (strep throat);
  • viral infection (pharyngitis);
  • allergic reactions;
  • irritation (for example, from cigarette smoke);
  • low humidity;
  • dry air.

Sore throat symptoms

A viral throat infection usually develops dry cough (or with a small amount of light sputum), there may be fever, runny nose, hoarseness of voice.

With a bacterial infection, the submandibular lymph nodes (glands on the sides of the chin) become enlarged, the temperature is above 38.3.

If you have a sore throat or fever, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner. You should definitely call a doctor if your throat hurts very badly and the temperature does not subside after two days of self-medication, it is very difficult for you to swallow or it hurts to open your mouth, if a rash appears on the skin. If the sore throat is not severe, but does not go away within a week, you should also consult an otolaryngologist.

Complications of sore throat

  • quinsy;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • kidney disease.

How to relieve a sore throat

  • It is recommended to speak as little as possible.
  • Quit smoking if you smoke.
  • Drink more warm liquids, preferably 8 to 10 glasses (water, juice, tea). Warm drinks soften the back of the throat.
  • Gargle with special solutions or warm salted water.
  • Suck on antibacterial lozenges and cough drops to soothe your throat.
  • Take a pain reliever.
  • If possible, rest while you are sick. This will help your body gain strength and fight off the infection.

At the Prima Medica medical center you can make an appointment on the day of visiting a specialist doctor by calling +7 495 120-01-07. You can find out the cost of admission here.

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