Sodomy: how to prepare for a successful sodomy?

Sodomy: how to prepare for a successful sodomy?

Because few women – and only a small majority of men – are spontaneously inclined to it, preparation for sodomy is an essential prerequisite for the act to result in shared pleasure. To remove the danger of sodomy but also to favor a context of romantic sodomy, the prerequisites are numerous.

Preparation for sodomy: a favorable context for success

Few couples improvise anal sex. Still taboo, the practice of sodomy requires for some partners a long preparation beforehand.

Psychological aspects related to preparation for sodomy

The thought of having anal sex alone can be stressful. Anguish of the pain associated with anal intercourse, fear that hygiene factors will spoil the moment or even refusal to submit in a degrading position: to promote a context of relaxation essential to anal penetration, it is essential that the preparation for sodomy includes a phase of communication between partners.

Preparation for sodomy to encourage repetition of the experience

Once the couple agree on the principle of anal penetration, some “details” remain to be settled. These include considerations of hygiene and romanticism, in order to guarantee orgasmic sodomy: by achieving pleasure after a good preparation for sodomy, lovers will be more inclined to practice again. And insofar as this new sexual path can lead to intense pleasure and conducive to spicing up the daily life of partners, they have every interest in it. 

Danger of sodomy: how to avoid the risks of contamination and pain?

First essential element for a good preparation for sodomy: avoiding the danger of sodomy. This is twofold:

  • Anal penetration can be painful for the partner.
  • Anal intercourse can promote the transmission of infectious bacterial diseases.

Promote pain-free sodomy

A sine qua non of preparation for sodomy, the use of a lubricant. Unlike the vaginal area, the anus does not lubricate itself naturally, simply due to sexual arousal. The passage of the penis into the anus is painless if it is sufficiently lubricated: lovers can use saliva or a specific lubricant for this.

Another technique to adopt in order not to face the first danger of sodomy that represents the pain, to penetrate the anus gradually and gently. By forcing too much, the partner may – beyond feeling discomfort – be prone to anal fissures when the size of the penis is large and as the orifice of the anus is usually narrower than the vagina. . It is important to avoid this. In preparing for sodomy in order to avoid the same danger of sodomy, it may be advisable to promote the dilation of the orifice, by prior manual stimulation in particular.

Ensure sodomy without risk of bacterial contamination

To avoid infection but also to prevent any overflow likely to cause discomfort for partners, it is recommended to wash before the act. The enema bulb is not essential, a shower is sufficient to remove all residues of fecal matter.

Another rule not to be overlooked: anal penetration must be the final stage of sexual intercourse, that is to say that the penis must not enter the vagina or the partner’s mouth at the end of the sodomy. Obviously, the condom remains an optimal solution to prevent the danger of sodomy: no transmission of STDs and integrated lubrication, it has all the advantages. 

Sodomy, orgasm and pleasure: the means to achieve it

The right preparation for sodomy should in principle lead to male orgasm. The sexual pleasure associated with sodomy is all the more intense as the orifice of the anus is tighter than the vagina, providing tenfold sensations.

What about sodomy and a woman’s orgasm?

While few women claim to achieve orgasm through anal sex, the pleasure can still be real. In some people, the anus is a very erogenous zone – because it is very innervated – and its stimulation can cause a form of sexual ecstasy. On the other hand, seeing her partner come intensely can also be a source of sexual pleasure for a woman.

Sodomy in love: when romanticism comes into play

Preparation for sodomy can also involve the implementation of a romantic context. The setting of the act – satin sheets and soft music – but also the behavior of the man – kisses and sweet words – can promote the pleasure of amorous sodomy, which is not reserved for “violent” or “sex”. cattle”.

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