Slow cosmetics: what is it?

Slow cosmetics: what is it?

It was in 2012 that the book by Julien Kaibeck (cosmetician and aromatologist) named “Adopt Slow Cosmetics” was a resounding success. A true bestseller, it was following the publication of this book that a new mode of consumption of cosmetics was born – fundamentally more natural, healthy, ethical and reasonable -: Slow Cosmétique.

This approach initiated by Julien Kaibeck represents for many the future of the world of beauty. It is an alternative to classic cosmetics likely to suit all people wishing to reinvent their way of consuming beauty. Today, Slow Cosmetics is an association, a label, pillars.

The four pillars of Slow Cosmetics

Slow Cosmetics is built around the following four pillars:

Ecological cosmetics

In accordance with this movement, cosmetics must have a minimal ecological impact (both during its design and its use).

To do this, natural, organic, local and less processed ingredients, as well as short cycles and zero-waste packaging must be favored. Conversely, any controversial ingredient that is bad for the environment or even derived from animal exploitation must be avoided.

Healthy cosmetics

Still according to the principles of Slow Cosmetics, cosmetics must also be healthy, in other words, formulated and practiced with respect for humans, plants and animals. Its risk of toxicity must therefore be zero, both in the short term and in the long term.

Smart cosmetics 

The term “intelligent” means that cosmetics must also meet the real needs of the skin and not create new ones.

Cleansing, hydration and protection being the real fundamentals, Slow Cosmetics tends to target these needs and meet them with the help of naturally active ingredients, without superfluous (inert, inactive or processed ingredients).

In summary

Consume less, but consume better.

Reasonable cosmetics

Transparency must be the order of the day when it comes to cosmetics and all resort to disinformation aimed at deceiving consumers is to be banned (greenwashing, false promises, manipulative marketing, concealment, etc.).

In addition, products must be bought and sold at a fair price, regardless of the stage of the production chain. Slow Cosmetics also wants ancestral and traditional know-how to be promoted and the adoption of natural alternatives always encouraged.

Slow Cosmetics: what is it in practice?

Today, Slow Cosmétique is a militant and international association supported by volunteers working for the adoption of a respectful consumption of the four pillars and a better knowledge of cosmetics.

The objective of Slow Cosmetics 

That consumers really become actors in their consumption.

To do this, the association provides on its site a collection of books full of advice and tips to learn how to better consume beauty, as well as a collaborative store on which to find products corresponding to the values ​​of the movement. But that’s not all. Indeed, Slow Cosmetics is also a label.

What does the Slow Cosmétique label mean?

Independent of all the labels already in existence, the Slow Cosmétique mention is an additional tool aimed at further enlightening consumers by evaluating other criteria (such as the marketing model for example).

When it appears on a product, this ensures that it and the brand that markets it meet the requirements of the four pillars mentioned above.

Simple and clean formulas, responsible packaging, an ethical marketing model… In all, nearly 80 evaluation criteria come into play. In 2019, more than 200 brands were already awarded this mention and the list goes on and on. ‘increase.

How to adopt Slow Cosmetics?

Do you want to reinvent the way you consume beauty?

Slow Cosmétique is here to help you. To adopt it on a daily basis, you can simply purify your routine by refocusing on the essential needs of your skin, prefer products labeled Slow Cosmetic or meeting all the criteria to be so, bet on natural active ingredients and home-based care. made, learn to decipher labels, favor the simplicity of formulas …

So many small daily efforts that change the game, not only for your skin, but also for the planet.

Good to know

Adopting a new beauty routine doesn’t mean you have to throw away all the products you used to use right away. Indeed, since waste is contrary to the values ​​advocated by Slow Cosmetics, it would still be a shame to start off on the wrong foot.

In order to avoid this, we advise you to either take it gradually and wait to finish your products already started, or to give those you no longer want to use to someone who will.

Attention, before that, remember to check the expiration date of your cosmetics (if the duration of use can be extended for some of them, this is not the case for all). And if you decide to throw away a few, remember that 80% of cosmetics are recyclable.

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