Slimming Workout: Rope Exercises

You’ve probably seen how many celebrities do this exercise and wondered what it is. We asked the trainer in detail about the exercise and found out who needs to do it.

A beautiful and toned body is the dream of every girl. That is why more and more new types of training appear that are aimed at all muscle groups so that the body looks fit and harmonious. More and more fitness bloggers and celebrities are featured on Instagram doing weird rope exercises. We decided to find out what it is and why they are doing it. Aleksandr Yurin, manager of the Encore Fitness Yasenevo gym, helped us with this.

The most popular workout of 2017, according to the American College of Sports Medicine, is HIIT. High-intensity training uses exercises that stress the entire body. It is this workout that includes the rope exercise, which is so in demand among fitness enthusiasts. After all, it really makes the whole body work. Plus, the rope has a fairly large variability in exercises, which helps to diversify the training process.

There are several variations of the rope exercise, but they have the same basis. You take the ends of the rope in both hands, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hip joint, knees slightly bent, belly tucked up.

Variations of working with ropes

Wave of the same name (hands go up and down synchronously), opposite wave (hands go out of tune, one up, the other down), strikes on the floor (raise our hands up, shrink in the body, hit the edges with all our strength on the floor), snake (with both hands make movements to the left and right). There are also various modifications of the rope exercise – squatting, lunging, jumping.

All rope exercises should be performed at the same speed, so the training will affect all muscle groups. However, it is worth remembering that everything should be in moderation. If suddenly you overdo it with this exercise, then the body will not receive a positive effect.

Rope work helps to develop endurance, explosive strength and balance, strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles, shoulders and arms. Also, rope exercises are relevant for everyone who wants to lose weight quickly, due to their energy consumption.

This exercise has only one drawback – it is definitely not for beginners, as it can become traumatic enough for an unprepared person. If you haven’t worked with ropes yet, it’s best to start with a coach. It is also worth refraining from it for those who have health problems, namely with heart, pressure, spine or joints.

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