Slimming cream: are slimming creams effective?

Slimming cream: are slimming creams effective?

Among the plethora of slimming creams, which are effective? All claim to make you lose inches around your thigh or stomach, clinical trials to support it. Before buying a slimming cream, it is worth understanding what the different claims are and what you can expect from them.

Slimming creams, how does it work?

The difference between? slimming cream and anti-cellulite cream

First of all, should we differentiate between slimming creams and anti-cellulite creams? A definitive answer is unfortunately complicated to provide, given that cosmetic brands can of course play on words in this area.

However, whether it is slimming or anti-cellulite, the cream will, in all cases, act on the fat cells. The purpose of anti-cellulite creams is thus to improve the appearance of the skin marked by dimpling. While slimming creams should lose fat and therefore inches. Which, if it works, at the same time results in a better appearance of the skin.

The active ingredients of a slimming cream

Where slimming creams try to make a difference between these products is in terms of assets. This is how some will favor plant active ingredients without however containing caffeine, the active ingredient most recognized in the decongestion of fat cells and widely used in anti-cellulite care.

But caffeine remains one of the most widely used markers in slimming treatments. Brands most often add other plant active ingredients whose properties would drain the tissues to better unclog fats. These are often names with sometimes exotic sounds. Or molecules whose effectiveness has been proven on drainage, such as red vine which improves blood circulation.

Slimming cream for the stomach and other targeted areas

By sticking to the claims of the brands, we already notice that slimming creams are more specific on the areas to be treated than anti-cellulite creams. They are thus more diversified and target clearly identified areas. This is how we find slimming creams for the stomach and hips. While anti-cellulite creams target, without specifying it, the lower body (calves, thighs and buttocks) because the fat cells are visible there through cellulite.

Cream, oil, gel, which slimming treatment to choose?

Regarding the type of product to favor, it depends only on your tastes and the time you can devote to the massage. With an oil, the massage will be longer but will be all the more effective. Gels and creams, besides their different texture, have the same absorption power, but a gel will bring you a little more freshness.

Are slimming creams effective?

Slimming treatments: enticing promises

On a product targeting the stomach in particular, available in drugstores, it is written in black on white: “reduces the waist circumference up to 2,6 cm in 2 weeks”. Suffice to say that the promise is very attractive.

Likewise, another claims to be able to “lose up to an inch in just 2,5 nights, while you sleep.” A consumer association of course looked into this promise in 10:

60 women, divided into 2 groups, with on one side the real product to be applied and on the other a placebo, took part in the game. At the end of the 10 nights, their waist, hips and thighs were measured. measured and the fat mass calculated with an ultrasonic device. The results thus showed a loss of 0,6 cm to 0,9 cm depending on the area, but a negligible loss of fat mass.

However, the women who applied a placebo with the same type of massage and without knowing it of course, lost nothing at all. The product therefore has an effectiveness even if it is at the very least light.

Do not expect a miracle with slimming creams

Despite their name and their claims which suggest that they can make you lose weight, slimming creams unfortunately do not make you lose weight. A few millimeters of thickness is not enough to lose even a few grams.

But if the application of the cream is assiduous, that it is accompanied by a massage and that you adapt your diet and your sports practice, the combined effects give clearly visible results this time. In addition, the action of slimming creams, supplemented by massages, truly nourishes the skin and improves its general appearance.

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