General description of the disease
Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the sinuses (paranasal sinuses) that occurs when bacteria enter the nasal cavity.
Sinusitis causes:
- Untreated runny nose or flu, ARVI, measles transferred on the legs;
- Curvature of the nasal septum, which interferes with breathing;
- Chronic or allergic rhinitis, diseased adenoids;
- Diseases of the roots of the 4 posterior upper teeth;
- Infection in the sinus
- Decreased immunity;
- Vasomotor rhinitis;
- Bronchial asthma;
Also at risk are people suffering from diabetes or fibroid cysts.
Sinusitis symptoms:
- 1 Having a persistent runny nose and difficulty breathing;
- 2 Purulent nasal discharge;
- 3 Bad smell from the nose or mouth;
- 4 Headaches in the morning;
- 5 The presence of swelling under the eyes and pain in the bridge of the nose;
- 6 Painful sensations in the upper jaw;
- 7 Temperature increase;
- 8 Deterioration of health, weakness;
- 9 Memory and vision impairment is also possible.
Types of sinusitis
Depending on the localization of the inflammatory focus, there are:
- Frontitis (inflammation of the frontal sinuses);
- Ethmoiditis (inflammation of the lining of the ethmoid cells);
- Sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus);
- Sphenoiditis (inflammation of the sphenoid sinus);
- Pansinusitis – all paranasal sinuses become inflamed at the same time.
It also happens acute and chronic sinusitis.
Healthy foods for sinusitis
When treating sinusitis, a correct and balanced diet with the obligatory intake of vitamins is recommended. This is necessary in order to help the body to quickly overcome the infection, as well as to increase its defenses. It is important to remember that a diet alone will not cure sinusitis, but it will affect its course.
- First of all, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime, since due to a lack of fluid (with an intake of less than 1.5-2 liters per day), the mucous membranes dry out, the mucus does not liquefy, and the outflow from the sinus sinuses worsens. In this case, it is better to give preference to hot drinks (compote, herbal decoction, green tea, fruit drink), as it moisturizes the mucous membranes, improving their condition. Hot tea has a special effect, which, thanks to the theophylline content, relaxes the smooth muscles in the walls of the airways and improves ventilation of the lungs.
- It is good to eat foods that contain calcium, especially if you have limited your intake of whole milk as a possible allergen. The body needs calcium not only for healthy teeth and bones, but also to protect cells from the effects of viruses and allergens. In addition to dairy products, it is found in Chinese cabbage, greens, almonds, asparagus beans, broccoli, molasses, oatmeal and salmon, sardines, tofu.
- We must not forget about products containing vitamin C, as they strengthen the immune system. Blackberries, grapes and citrus fruits are especially useful (provided that they are not allergic to them), since, among other things, they are also rich in bioflavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to these foods, vitamin C is also found in cabbage, kiwi, red peppers, parsley, onions, spinach, celery root, tomatoes and raspberries.
- Vitamin E, which is found in nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, walnuts), dried fruits (dried apricots and prunes), sea buckthorn, rose hips, spinach, sorrel, salmon, pike perch, some cereals (oatmeal, wheat, barley grits).
- It is beneficial to eat foods with zinc, as it ensures the normal functioning of the immune system, and also fights infections, viruses and toxins. Most zinc is found in pork, lamb, beef, turkey and duck, pine nuts, peanuts, beans, peas, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal and wheat.
- It is important to consume foods with vitamin A, which is called an anti-infective vitamin due to its antioxidant effect and its ability to boost immunity. It is found in liver, fish oil, carrots, red peppers, parsley, sweet potatoes, apricots.
- During this period, doctors do not limit the consumption of hot herbs and spices, including garlic, horseradish, onions, ginger, chili peppers, cloves, cinnamon and thyme, as they are natural decongestants and are excellent for clearing the nose.
- Some experts note the benefits of honey for sinusitis, as it increases local immunity and relieves the patient’s condition. But first you need to find out if a person has an allergy to it.
Folk remedies for sinusitis
When treating sinusitis, you can use:
- 1 Mashed potatoes – you can breathe in the hot steam.
- 2 Radish juice – it is instilled 3 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril. It works well for pain in the nose, head and ears.
- 3 Onions – knead it to a mushy consistency and pour boiling water over it. After cooling, add 1 tbsp to it. natural bee honey and leave for a couple of hours.
The resulting composition is used for rinsing the nose.
In addition, you can take 1 tbsp. water at room temperature, adding 5 drops of iodine tincture and 1 tsp. sea salt. Then mix everything and use the resulting product for rinsing the nose, alternately pulling it in with your nostrils and spitting it out through your mouth.
A solution of potassium permanganate also rinses the nose well. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. water at room temperature, adding 3 drops of iodine and about the same amount of potassium permanganate to it.
Dangerous and harmful foods for sinusitis
When treating this disease, it is very important not to overeat, since during this period all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting infection and suppressing the temperature, but not at digesting food. Moreover, it is very important to give up food before going to bed. If you fall asleep right after dinner, the contents of the stomach are likely to enter the upper respiratory tract, causing the so-called “heartburn”. Sour and undigested food on the mucous membranes can provoke inflammation.
- It is necessary to stop consuming allergenic foods. Of course, they are different for each person, and it is good if he knows them. However, there are also hidden allergens. For example, a large number of adults are lactose intolerant, as with age, the enzymes needed to process milk sugar are lost in the stomach. Excess lactose can cause mucosal edema and inflammation.
- Smoking is especially harmful for sinusitis, since tobacco smoke (including from secondhand smoke) irritates the respiratory mucosa, dries it out and, thereby, increases its vulnerability to microbes, increasing inflammation.
- During this period, it is better to refuse salty foods, since excess salt can also provoke mucosal edema. By the way, when choosing mineral water, it is necessary to study the content of sodium salts in it and give preference to the one in which there are the least amount of them, since their excess causes edema.
- In addition, increased inflammation and edema and alcoholic beverages.
- It is not advisable to consume drinks with caffeine (coffee, Coca-Cola), as they dry out the mucous membrane.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!