Several Causes of Frequent Bruising

Any type of traumatic injury, such as a fall, can break capillaries (small blood vessels) and leak red blood cells. This results in red-purple or black-blue bruises on the skin. However, sometimes the reason for their formation is far from obvious to us. Periodic bruises, manifested in the form of bruises, are almost inevitable, but if you notice their frequent formation for no apparent reason, this is an alarming bell. 1 Age With age, the skin loses part of the protective fatty layer, which, as it were, “dampens” the blows. The skin becomes thinner and collagen production slows down. This means that much less force is required to create a bruise than at a young age. 2. Purple dermatosis A vascular condition often seen in older people that causes many tiny bruises, usually on the lower leg. These bruises are the result of blood leaking from small capillaries. 3. Diseases of the blood Circulatory disorders such as hemophilia and leukemia can cause unexplained bruising. This happens because under such conditions, the blood does not clot properly. 4. Diabetes Individuals with diabetes can often develop dark patches of skin, especially in areas where skin is in frequent contact. They can be mistaken for bruises, in fact, these darkenings on the skin are associated with insulin resistance. 5. Heredity If your close relatives have a predisposition to frequent bruising, then it is likely that this feature will be inherited. 6. Pale skin Paleness alone does not make a person prone to bruising, but any minor bruising becomes more noticeable in fair-skinned people than in dark-skinned people.

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