Scientists will determine the benefits and harms of hyaluronic acid for the human body

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found in all mammals. In the human body, it is found in the lens, cartilage, in the fluid between the joints and skin cells.

For the first time it was found in the eye of a cow, they conducted research and made a loud statement that this substance and its derivatives are absolutely harmless to humans. Therefore, acid began to be used in the medical field and cosmetology.

By origin, it is of two types: from cockscombs (animal), during the synthesis of bacteria that are capable of producing it (non-animal).

For cosmetic purposes, synthetic acid is used. It is also divided by molecular weight: low molecular weight and high molecular weight. The effect of the application is also different: the first is used on top of the skin, like creams, lotions and sprays (it moisturizes and protects the skin from harmful effects), and the second is for injections (it can smooth out wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and remove toxins).

Why is it used

This question comes up quite often. Acid has good absorbent properties – one molecule can hold 500 water molecules. Therefore, getting between the cells, it does not allow moisture to evaporate. Water stays in tissues for a long time. The substance is able to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin. However, with age, its production by the body decreases, and the skin begins to fade. In this case, you can use injections of hyaluronic acid.

Useful qualities

On the cosmetic side, this is a very useful substance, because it tightens the skin and tones it. In addition, the acid retains moisture in the cells of the dermis. She also has other useful qualities – this is the healing of burns, smoothing scars, the elimination of acne and pigmentation, “freshness” and skin elasticity.

However, before use, it is necessary to consult with an experienced specialist, because the remedy has its own contraindications.

Negative effects and contraindications

Hyaluronic acid can be harmful if a person has an individual intolerance to it. Since it is a biologically active component, it can affect the progression of various diseases. Because of this, the patient’s condition may worsen. The consequences manifest themselves after the injection or application of a cosmetic product with its content on the skin.

Before carrying out such procedures, you should warn the doctor about your diseases and allergic reactions.

It is better to use synthetic acid, as it does not contain toxins and allergens. An unpleasant consequence of this procedure can be allergies, inflammation, irritation and swelling of the skin.

Contraindications for which hyaluronic acid should not be used include:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • cancerous growth;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (if you need to take it orally) and much more.

During pregnancy, the drug should be used only with the permission of the attending physician.

Study of hyaluronic acid by scientists

To date, the use of hyaluronic acid is quite widespread. Therefore, specialists of the North Ossetian State University want to identify what it brings to the body: benefit or harm. Such a study must be carried out in the laboratory. Scientists are going to study the interaction of acid with various compounds.

Representatives of this university announced the start of work on the effects of hyaluronic acid. Doctors are going to develop a drug in the future, so they should identify its interaction with other compounds.

To carry out such work, a biochemical laboratory will be created on the basis of the Department of Pharmacy of the North Ossetian State University. The equipment for it will be provided by the heads of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center.

The head of the All-Russian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences said that such a laboratory would help scientists use all their scientific potential. The authors of this work, who have signed a contract, will promote and support research on the benefits or negative effects of hyaluronic acid (analyses of a fundamental or applied nature).

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