Scientists have told, than games of princesses are dangerous for girls

Passion for fairytale heroines can negatively affect the development of a child.

Researchers at Brigham Young University have come to disappointing conclusions: playing with princess dolls is harmful. This can form false and dangerous stereotypes in the mind of a little girl.

The fascination with pretty fairy-tale characters, which seems harmless to most parents, is actually fraught with a threat. During the study, scientists observed 200 preschoolers. “60% of the girls surveyed admitted that they play with princess dolls at least once a week. And only 4% of boys play with cartoon characters with the same regularity, “- quotes the Daily Mail, the words of Professor Sarah Coyne.

And all would be fine, they play for themselves and play. However, according to scientists, such a strong fascination with cartoon characters negatively affects the rational thinking of little girls.

They begin to measure their lives with the plot of a fairy tale, to deny everything that contradicts the status of a princess.

“We are faced with the fact that such girls, who are under such a powerful influence of gender stereotypes due to games and cartoons, are experiencing serious difficulties in real life,” continues Sarah. “They believe that they will not achieve anything in the exact sciences, they do not want to engage in applied sciences, since they can get dirty during the experiments.”

With all this, scientists do not prohibit saying goodbye to the princesses once and for all. They only advise parents to expand the range of interests of their daughters.

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