Scientists have found a way not to rush to fast food: the 120 second method

Sometimes junk food beckons like it beckons. Her smell alone – especially if a person is hungry – is able to turn everything inside and make you follow the direction of the source of this smell.

Fast food quickly satiates, leaving behind a feeling of guilt, often – heaviness in the stomach and extra centimeters at the waist. And this problem has long ceased to be individual, obesity is a scourge of entire countries. 

Scientists from the University of Florida are concerned about the problem of cravings for fast food. The subject of their research was precisely the smell that prompts us to buy food, the unhelpfulness of which we all know.

In the course of their research, a curious fact came to light. As it turned out, the aroma of food in the first 30 seconds seduces and forces you to succumb to temptation, but if you endure another 90 seconds, the senses will be satisfied, and the need for food will disappear.


Here are the results shown by experiments with volunteers. People were asked to inhale the smells of strawberries, apples, cookies, or pizza. And if they inhaled the aromas for no more than 30 seconds, then they were determined to eat the product they smelled. But when the exposure to food odors lasted more than 2 minutes, the participants ceased to feel the harmful food desired and ate strawberries or apples with great pleasure.

It turns out that if you endure 120 seconds of torment, you can say “no” to unhealthy food and get rid of those extra pounds. And perhaps with such data on hand, scientists will develop food-flavored sprays that will be the key in the fight against obesity.

We will remind, earlier we wrote that 5 products are named that shorten our life, stay away from them. 

Be healthy!


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