Russian games for children: folk, old, mobile, logical and educational
Russian games for children are a part of our history that must not be forgotten. Children of all ages can participate in them – from the smallest to high school students. And if adults join the kids, then the game turns into a real holiday.
Outdoor children’s folk games
Games that require vigorous physical activity are held in the courtyard or at the school stadium. Movements in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the child’s body, give a lot of positive emotions.
Russian games for children develop attention and endurance
Outdoor games require a child to have a good muscular reaction, ingenuity, dexterity, and will to win. Let’s recollect some of them:
- Salochki. This game has simple rules – the driver catches up and touches one of the children running around the playground. The loser becomes the leader.
- Zhmurki. For this game, you need to choose a safe area, as the driver is blindfolded with a handkerchief. The child must beat one of the players and switch roles with him. Children run away from the driver without leaving the site. A prerequisite is that each player shouts: “I am here” so that the driver can choose the right direction by the sound of his voice.
- Jumping. Two children grab the ends of a rope or long rope and twist it. The rest run up and jump over the rope. The one who could not jump over, exchanges places with one of the leaders.
You can enumerate for a long time the games that are passed on by the people from generation to generation. These are “classics”, and “Cossacks-robbers”, and “breaking chains”, and a “trickle” – and many more exciting games that bring children great pleasure.
Educational and logic old games
On a quiet summer evening, tired of running around, the kids gather on the playground near the house. And other, quieter games begin, requiring special care and certain knowledge.
Children really like playing forfeits. The presenter determines the words that are forbidden to pronounce: “Yes and no – do not speak, do not wear black and white.” Then he asks the players in turn provoking questions. For example, asks a girl: “Will you go to the ball?” And if the child inadvertently answered “yes” or “no”, then he gives the presenter a fant.
At the end of the game, the fined players redeem their forfeits. The “buyer” sings a song, reads a poem, dances – does what the presenter says. The game develops attention, quick thinking, logic.
An interesting game is “broken phone”. Children sit in one row, the first player whispers a conceived word in the ear of the second. He transmits what he heard to his neighbor – and further along the chain, to the extreme in the row. The child who was the first to distort the word sits down at the end of the row. The rest move closer to the first player. Thus, everyone has the opportunity to play the role of a “telephone”.
Calm or active games, inherited from our ancestors, teach children to communicate correctly with peers, broaden their horizons and help the child’s social adaptation.