RevAbs — a comprehensive program for abs and whole body with Brett Hebela

RevAbs — a comprehensive program for the elaboration of the whole body, especially the abdominal muscles. The course is one of the most popular coaches of the USA: Brett Hebel. The program created by the famous company Beachbody, which specializiruetsya on the issue of home training.

Brett Hebel was the coach is The Big Looser, previously famed for Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper. Brett’s extensive experience not only in martial arts (kickboxing, capoeira), but also in scientific research in biomedical science. He is the fitness expert for top magazines such as Vogue, Allure, Elle. His exercise program had twice taken top awards from New York Magazine. Also Brett has more than 15 years, was a sports instructor for many celebrities and stars.

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About the program RevAbs

RevAbs is a high-intensity interval training, which provides the most effective results from training. Aerobic interval training contribute to the rapid consumption of calories and develops your cardiovascular endurance. Power of fitness program RevAbs will help you increase metabolism at rest and allow the muscle tone.

The program consists of two phases. Each phase lasts for 45 days, i.e., the whole course is 3 months. Training lasts 30-40 minutes to do 6 times a week with one day off. The load in them is quite acceptable to practice RevAbs not need to be super-advanced in training. But it is the beginners to perform it is not recommended: you can see our selection of exercises for beginners. Also in fitness course includes the bonus workout from Brett Hebel: Full Throttle, designed for an additional 45 days.

So, in the RevAbs includes 12 live from 15 to 45 minutes. They can be divided into several groups: each group consisted of exercises of different phases, and thus different levels of complexity.

Strength training for the whole body with elements of cardio:

  • Total Strength (40 minutes)
  • Strength & Endurance (40 minutes)

Training for the crust with elements of cardio:

  • Fire Up Abs (40 minutes)
  • Fat Burning Abs (40 minutes)
  • Full Throttle Abs (45 minutes)

Interval training for 30 minutes with elements of strength and cardio:

  • Power Intervals 1 (30 minutes)
  • Power Intervals 2 (30 minutes)
  • Full Throttle Intervals (40 minutes)

Training the bark, which are performed on the floor:

  • Mercy Abs (15 minutes)
  • Merciless Abs (15 minutes)

Other workouts:

  • Rev It Up (45 minutes): cardio workout with elements of martial arts without the inventory.
  • Ab Addiction (25 minutes): training with a fitball for the crust.

Brett Hebel uses in its program of innovative methods of elaboration of the abdominal muscles under the six different angles (for example, in the normal exercise of the abdominal muscles worked out with only two corners). That’s why RevAbs helps to create a flat and beautiful belly. In addition to the press you strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, chest, arms and legs, i.e. not overlooked any part of your body.

The advantages of the program RevAbs:

  1. Strength and aerobic exercises combined provide the fastest and most effective results for the body.
  2. The principle of interval training will help you burn maximum calories and increase metabolism.
  3. Brett uses the methodology of elaboration of the abdominal muscles under the six different angles, creating a flat stomach.
  4. The program is already planned for 90 days, plus 45 days of additional training bonus! You don’t need to think what to do in the next few months, comprehensive training is ready.
  5. RevAbs is not such a brutal workout like Insanity or P90x. It is not quite easy, but it is quite doable.
  6. In their exercises the coach uses elements of capoeira (Brazilian martial art), that will bring some variety to the already boring exercises and combinations.
  7. The program is suitable for both men and women.

Cons program RevAbs:

  1. RevAbs absolutely no gentle exercise for the knee. Engage only in sneakers and watch for technique exercises.
  2. If fans creations Beachbody waiting for something in the spirit of the program Insanity or P90x, you will be disappointed. RevAbs much easier.
  3. Many people get bored doing the same program for three months, so if you quickly stale repetitive workout, it makes sense to reduce the fitness course.

RevAbs is one of the few comprehensive and varied programs, designed for long term performance. Although it is usedonLSI emphasis on the press, but you also work other muscles in your body. And pysakointialue aerobic exercise helps you lose weight and tighten up problem areas.

See also:

  • Top 50 exercises for buttocks at home + finished exercise plan
  • Top 50 exercises for abdominal muscles: lose weight and tighten press
  • Top 50 most effective exercises for legs + finished exercise plan

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