Red color in the interior

According to the Chinese calendar, the time of the Red Fire Rooster is coming. This is the brightest and sunniest sign. Woman`s Day tells how to decorate the interior in red, so as not to turn the apartment into a “designer’s nightmare” and to appease the owner of the year so that he will be supportive of you.

Although the red shade is one of the most difficult, scientists agree that this particular color has been at the peak of popularity for a long time. And this is not in vain! In ancient times, for example, the word “red” meant “beautiful”, and it was with this color that they tried to highlight the most significant places in the house (for example, the red corner).

Currently, designers do not often use this color in rooms, but with skillful handling, fiery shades can transform the interior, add energy, and also … improve sex drive.

We figure out how to properly decorate a stylish interior in red.

Although red is one of the most popular colors, designers are very reluctant to use it in interior design. It is understandable, because this bright shade has a lot of energy and emotion.

The fiery color is stimulating, stimulating the nervous system, and also speeds up the heartbeat and breathing rhythm, therefore it is not recommended to use it in the interior as the main color, but as bright accents and details – please!

By the way, psychologists say that the desire to decorate your apartment in this bright color indicates that you love to travel, receive guests, and also (to some extent) strive for wealth and luxury.

Therefore, if you do not want to turn your living room into the top of bad taste, then think over the design wisely and make sure that all shades and decor items are harmoniously combined with each other. So, for example, if your room is dark (or it has minimal lighting), you need to choose light shades of red and use them only as decorative elements.

In addition, shades of red allow you to visually expand the space and, when properly combined with other colors, even create a feeling of freedom.

If you decide to add more “passion” to your living room, then you can, for example, paint one of the walls in a warm red tone (from red-violet to orange), but the rest of the walls should be light.

But if, for example, you have a small room, then you should give preference to the “pomegranate” floor or red furniture. In this case, the walls should be painted in a light warm shade. But if you choose red and black furniture, then your living room will look more sophisticated and elegant.

The researchers argue that color can affect appetite. Therefore, you should think carefully before decorating the kitchen in shades of red, because this color will not let you relax with a cup of coffee, but will create the feeling that you urgently need to run further.

If, nevertheless, fiery shades in the kitchen are your cherished dream, then you need to balance and muffle the bright color by adding white, black accents, and also use wood, marble and tiles in the design.

This is exactly where you can enter an unlimited amount of red – this is the bedroom! No wonder this shade is called the color of passion, it acts excitingly and allows you to reveal instincts. It also helps to tune in a romantic mood and even increases sex drive.

However, if your goal is to create a stylish, elegant boudoir, and not get an unusually flashy and tasteless result, then be sure to dilute the red shade with white or milky color, and also add dark lacquered wood furniture.

By the way, the Japanese, for example, have great respect for the color red, which, in their opinion, can not only scare away evil spirits, but also attract wealth, and also protect against various diseases. Therefore, they are happy to decorate bedrooms in warm red shades, diluting the interior with dark laconic furniture, simple fabrics and figurines.

Surprisingly, for example, a bathroom decorated in red does not cause an urge to run away somewhere. On the contrary, such an interior evokes thoughts of romance and a warm bath with rose petals.

Indeed, a bathroom in a fiery color does not tire you, but rather sets you in a certain mood.

The most stylish combination can be considered a red-white or red-black interior. Moreover, white color will give the bathroom lightness and femininity, but black will add a little ethnic style.

If you think that red is too flashy, but still dream of diluting a boring strict interior with bright colors, then try adding accessories in a deep red hue, which can become a central figure or complement a style solution.

Decor elements of rich color will distract attention, forcing your guests to forget about the small size of the room (apartment) or about another flaw that you, for example, intended to hide.

Cookware set Marin Red, Crate and Barrel, 9200 rubles.

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