Rape with guacamole and goat cheese

Ingredients: tortilla (preferably whole grain), ripe avocado, red onion, a small bunch of any lettuce leaves, a small eggplant, a small zucchini, 4 thin slices of goat cheese, a small bunch of cilantro, 2 Baku tomatoes.

Preparation: Cut the zucchini and eggplant into thin “leaves”, grease a baking dish with olive oil, put the “leaves” of vegetables in one layer and put in an oven preheated to 10 degrees for 200 minutes.

Prepare guacamole. To do this, cut an avocado (my video is about how to do it quickly and easily), chop the red onion and cilantro very finely, cut one tomato into four parts, remove the juice and seeds, and chop the pulp. Place the avocado, tomato pulp, onion and cilantro in a bowl, add salt, crush and stir with a fork until smooth. For a more detailed guacamole recipe, follow this link.


Preheat a flat skillet over high heat, place the cake on it so that it warms up – first on one side, then on the other. Remove the tortilla from the pan, evenly distribute 2/3 or half of the guacamole on one side, evenly place the prepared “leaves” of eggplant and zucchini on top, then cheese, lettuce and tomato. Roll into a tube, cut in two and serve with lettuce and leftover guacamole.

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