Radical diet, 14 days, -10 kg

Losing weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.

The average daily calorie content is 580 Kcal.

Everyone knows that losing weight quickly is harmful. Nevertheless, often the deadlines for which you want to become slim are often tight. In this case, a diet comes to the rescue, for a reason called radical, because it loses weight very rapidly. It happens that it flies 1-2 kg per day, which especially happens at the beginning of following the rules of the radical method. We propose today to consider its popular version, which is designed for a 14-day period.

Requirements of a radical diet

The radical diet menu involves four meals a day. It is advisable to plan your meal schedule so that there are at least 4 hours between meals. In the intervals between meals, try to drink enough fluids (unsweetened herbal and green teas and, of course, clean water). Sometimes, if you want, you can allow yourself a cup of coffee, but not strong and without additives. On each day, you need to eat certain foods, the amount of which is clearly prescribed. At the same time, it is highly not recommended to change the order of days. This can negatively affect weight loss. It’s good if you manage to avoid eating 2-3 hours before lights out.

In a two-week period, you can lose as much as 20 kg. Of course, if your body weight is not very large, the losses may be less noticeable, but they will certainly be noticeable.

You need to eat the following foods.

Day 1: 3 boiled chicken eggs; 5 potatoes, boiled or baked.

Day 2: cottage cheese, fat-free or low-fat (100 g); a tablespoon of sour cream; a glass of kefir (you can replace it with fermented baked milk or homemade unsweetened yogurt without any fillers).

Day 3: 2 apples, fresh; 1 liter of juice from your favorite fruit products (preferably freshly squeezed); 2 glasses of kefir.

Day 4: 400 g of lean meat (chicken or beef) and kefir (250 ml).

Day 5: 500 g of fruit (pears and apples are allowed).

Day 6: 3 boiled potatoes; milk or kefir, the fat content of which is not higher than 1%, in an amount up to 300 ml.

Day 7: half a liter of low-fat kefir.

Day 8: 200 g of boiled or baked veal; egg; 2 tomatoes (you can replace vegetables with sauerkraut weighing up to 200 g).

Day 9: boiled veal (100 g); 2 apples; salad of 1 tomato and 1 cucumber with vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Day 10: 100 g of boiled veal; 70 g bread (rye or whole grain); pears or apples (2 pcs.).

Day 11: 100 g of boiled veal; rye bread (150 g); 250 ml of kefir and a couple of boiled eggs.

Day 12: 3 boiled potatoes; 700 g of sour apples, fresh or baked; 500 ml of kefir.

Day 13: boiled or baked chicken fillet up to 300 g; a couple of boiled eggs; 2 fresh cucumbers.

Day 14: 4 boiled potatoes; 2 unsweetened apples, as well as a glass of kefir.

In order to maintain the results obtained on a radical diet, it is very important to gradually get out of it. Since, when following the rules of this diet, the diet for most days was no more than 800 calories (which is a rather significant decrease in the supply of energy to the body), it must be increased very carefully. Otherwise, the lost pounds, and with friends, will quickly make themselves felt again. To prevent this trouble from happening, it is advisable to devote a whole month to quitting the technique. In the first week, the calorie intake, calculated per day, can be increased to 1000 calories, in the second – 1200, in the third – 1400, in the fourth – 1600. Whether it is worth increasing it further, we determine individually, by very smoothly adding new calories and carefully monitoring the weight … Now our task is to determine how many calories can be consumed so that the weight stands still (if you do not want to lose more weight) and does not increase.

During the first post-dietary week, you can eat anything you want without increasing the indicated calorie content, but avoid eating spicy, salty, fatty foods, as well as various sweets.

In the second week, try to structure your menu so that it contains predominantly protein foods. Carbohydrate products (in particular, cereals, hard pasta) can occasionally be consumed, but before lunch.

On the third weekday, you can eat any food you like (of course, in moderation). But make at least one day out of seven fasting on low-calorie products (for example, eat non-starchy vegetables or fruits or drink low-fat kefir).

In the fourth week, it is very desirable to include full sports training.

Radical diet menu

Day 1

Breakfast: boiled potatoes with boiled egg.

Lunch: a couple of baked potatoes.

Afternoon snack: like breakfast.

Dinner: like breakfast.

Day 2

Breakfast: 30 g of curd with a teaspoon of sour cream.

Lunch: duplicates breakfast.

Afternoon snack: kefir (250 ml).

Dinner: 40 g of cottage cheese.

Day 3

Breakfast: 1 apple; a glass of juice; a glass of kefir.

Lunch: a glass of kefir and juice.

Afternoon snack: a glass of juice.

Dinner: 1 apple; a glass of juice.

Day 4

Breakfast: 100 g of baked beef fillet.

Lunch: 100 g of boiled chicken and kefir (250 ml).

Afternoon snack: 100 g baked chicken fillet.

Dinner: baked beef up to 100 g.

Day 5

Breakfast: 100 g of apples.

Lunch: apple and pear salad (the total weight of the dish should not exceed 200 g).

Afternoon snack: 100 g of apples.

Dinner: 100 g pears.

Day 6

Breakfast: boiled potatoes.

Lunch: a couple of boiled potatoes.

Afternoon snack: up to 300 ml of milk or kefir.

Dinner: boiled potatoes.

Day 7 we drink kefir:

Breakfast: 100 ml.

Lunch: 200 ml.

Afternoon snack: 100 ml.

Dinner: 100 ml.

Day 8

Breakfast: 100 g of boiled veal.

Lunch: hard-boiled egg.

Afternoon snack: 2 tomatoes or 200 g of sauerkraut.

Dinner: 100 g of baked veal fillet.

Day 9

Breakfast: 1 apple.

Lunch: 100 g of boiled veal.

Afternoon snack: 1 apple.

Dinner: cucumber-tomato salad (use one vegetable at a time), sprinkled with vegetable oil.

Day 10

Breakfast: 2 small sandwiches made from 70 g of bread and 40 g of boiled veal.

Lunch: 1 pear.

Afternoon snack: 1 apple.

Dinner: 60 g of boiled veal.

Day 11

Breakfast: sandwiches of 70 g of bread and 40 g of boiled beef.

Lunch: 60 g of boiled beef.

Afternoon snack: a couple of boiled eggs and a slice of bread weighing about 30 g.

Dinner: a glass of kefir; up to 50 g of bread.

Day 12

Breakfast: 2 boiled potatoes; 1 fresh apple.

Lunch: 1 baked apple and 250 ml of kefir.

Afternoon snack: 1 baked apple.

Dinner: 1 boiled potato and 250 ml of kefir.

Day 13 Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs.

Lunch: 150 g baked chicken breast and 1 cucumber.

Afternoon snack: 1 cucumber.

Dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Day 14

Breakfast: a couple of boiled potatoes.

Lunch: 2 apples.

Afternoon snack: 250 ml of kefir.

Dinner: a couple of boiled potatoes.

Note… You can plan your meal schedule differently. The key is to eat the right foods on the right days.

Contraindications for a radical diet

  • Since this diet is very strict, it should not be adhered to by pregnant women, lactating mothers, in old age, children and adolescents.
  • You cannot lose weight like that in the presence of any chronic diseases, since the risk of their exacerbation is very high with such a diet.
  • It is also highly undesirable to lose weight in such a radical way for people whose life and activities are distinguished by increased physical or mental activity.

The virtues of a radical diet

  1. The undoubted plus of a radical diet is rapid weight loss.
  2. As a rule, the first rewards for your work in the form of leaving the kilogram are noticeable already at the beginning of your diet-life.
  3. Also a nice bonus is that radical foods are readily available and most are inexpensive.
  4. Cooking food for weight loss isn’t difficult.

Disadvantages of a radical diet

  1. The disadvantages of a radical diet include a rather strict diet. With such a diet, you will surely have a feeling of hunger, especially on those days when there is no protein product on the menu that contributes to the greatest satiety.
  2. There is also a high likelihood of weakness and increased fatigue. This fact is associated with a significant decrease in caloric intake compared to the recommended average norm.
  3. During radical nutrition, the body has a great chance of encountering a lack of essential substances. It is highly desirable to connect the intake of a complex of vitamins and minerals to help the organs to function fully.
  4. In addition, following the rules of a radical diet can lead to headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, spasms, and dizziness.
  5. If you feel uncomfortable with your health, stop dieting.

Re-doing the radical diet

It is highly discouraged to use a radical diet more than once every three months. And it is better to take a longer pause or, if you need to lose weight more, seek help from a more loyal way of transforming your figure.

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