- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: None
- Level of difficulty: Beginner

Push UPS from the bench from behind — technique exercises:
- For this exercise you need a bench and foot support. Sit on a bench as shown in the figure. Hands wider than shoulder line. Foot position on the support. This will be your initial position.
- Slowly lower the body down until the hands are bent at the elbows at 90°. When performing exercises of the forearm should always be facing down.
- Using the triceps, slowly raise body up to starting position.
- For weights you can use pancake. Place it on the hips.
Video exercise:
pushup exercises for the arms exercises triceps
- Muscle group: Triceps
- Type of exercises: Basic
- Additional muscles: Chest, Shoulders
- Type of exercise: Power
- Equipment: None
- Level of difficulty: Beginner