Pumpkin diet, 4 days, -3 kg

Losing weight up to 3 kg in 4 days.

The average daily calorie content is 360 Kcal.

A delicious product that not only benefits the body, but also fights overweight is pumpkin. If you like its taste, and you want to transform your figure, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the pumpkin diet options, which are designed for 4, 7, 12 days.

Pumpkin diet requirements

Pumpkin has a particularly low energy value. 100 g of this vegetable contains only 25 kcal. Not surprisingly, a diet has been developed in which it is a staple. The water in pumpkin is more than 90%, and it also contains a lot of dietary fiber that improves the functioning of the body’s digestive system. It is also noteworthy that pumpkin seeds are very rich in healthy oils, vegetable protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are excellent for helping in the process of losing weight.

For weight loss, it is recommended to use this vegetable raw, boiled, stewed. Also, for a change, it can be steamed, baked, added to soups, mashed and more. etc. It is good if the pumpkin is firmly established in your diet at the end of the diet period.

Now let’s take a closer look at the pumpkin diet options. We suggest starting our hit parade with four-day methods of losing weight with the help of this vegetable, during which 2-3 kilograms of excess weight go away. This method is good in order to quickly prepare for a significant event by correcting minor flaws in the figure, or to drive off the extra pounds that have stuck to the body after the holidays with abundant feasts.

The diet rules are quite simple, and the menu is not rigid, so there is room for imagination. The main product – pumpkin – cook in different ways. Eat three times a day. If hungry, pumpkin snacks are acceptable. The choice of the rest of the products is yours. But in order for weight loss to be effective, a complete rejection of any sweets, alcoholic beverages is provided on a four-day diet. It is worth significantly reducing the presence of salt and spices in dishes.

Calorie content should be monitored and not consumed more than 1300-1500 calories per day. Drink plenty of clean water daily, no matter which pumpkin diet option you are on. Also recommended for use are fruit, vegetable, fruit and vegetable juices and fruit drinks without added sugar and various teas (in particular herbal).

In general, this diet is not rigid and strict, so you can live on it for longer, but no more than two weeks. By the way, according to reviews, during this period you can lose up to 8 kilograms, significantly transforming your physical form.

If you decide to contact weekly pumpkin method, you will need to have breakfast and dinner with porridge from this vegetable with the addition of cereals. The dish is prepared in the following proportion: 200 g of pumpkin pulp / 50 g of rice (brown or brown) or millet. Cereals can be alternated. The result is 2 servings. You eat one at breakfast, and the other at dinner. Dine, according to the rules of the weekly diet, is recommended with a serving of pumpkin puree. In the interval between lunch and dinner, if you are hungry, you can snack again on mashed potatoes (but in a small amount) or some unsweetened fruit (an apple is a good choice). If you do not have a snack, great. The rest of the products are now banned. It is not recommended to eat in the next 3-4 hours before a night’s rest.

As you can see, the menu of this diet is more strict and uniform in comparison with the previous version. As for drinks, in addition to water, you can drink tea and weak coffee without sugar. Try to avoid sweeteners as well.

The next option, which we suggest you find out about, is the pumpkin diet for 12 days… It consists of three identical cycles of 4 days. That is, ending the first cycle, repeat it twice again. If you need to throw off quite a bit, you can limit yourself to one or two cycles. If you have achieved the desired result before the expiration of the diet-term, just stop.

The amount of consumed portions is not strictly standardized. You need to eat before the onset of satiety. You should not starve, but also try not to overeat, otherwise you may not achieve the desired results of body transformation. It is recommended to eat three times a day, planning three main standard meals. Snacks are now undesirable. From liquid, except water, it is permissible to drink green unsweetened tea, but in an amount not exceeding four cups daily. You should not completely abandon salt on this diet, but it is very desirable to reduce its amount in the diet and not oversalt foods. As a rule, on such a diet it is possible to lose up to 6 kg. All the time you need to eat pumpkin-based dishes, which can be found in detail in the menu of this technique.

Pumpkin diet menu

Sample Diet on the Pumpkin Four-Day Diet

Day 1

Breakfast: salad of raw or boiled pumpkin, to which you can add carrots and lemon juice; a cup of any tea.

Lunch: low-fat pumpkin soup and a slice of black or rye bread; a cup of tea.

Dinner: pieces of pumpkin, stewed or baked.

Day 2

Breakfast: salad of pumpkin and grated apple, which can be seasoned with natural yogurt and freshly squeezed lemon juice; a cup of tea.

Lunch: low-fat soup from pumpkin and other vegetables (potatoes are not desirable); several small pies with pumpkin; a glass of compote.

Dinner: a few small apples baked with low-fat cottage cheese and prunes.

Day 3

Breakfast: pumpkin porridge, boiled in water or low-fat milk; raw pumpkin and pineapple salad.

Lunch: A bowl of pumpkin soup with a few lean meatballs; rye bread; favorite tea.

Dinner: pumpkin-pineapple salad (it is recommended to season with natural yogurt or kefir); some low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese without additives.

Day 4

Breakfast: a portion of empty pumpkin porridge and a salad from our dietary vegetable with grated carrots.

Lunch: low-fat vegetable soup; stewed or baked bell peppers (or other non-starchy vegetables); a glass of fruit or vegetable fruit drink.

Dinner: vegetable stew made from pumpkin, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini and various greens.

Seven-Day Pumpkin Diet

We cook porridge according to the recipe given above.

Breakfast: pumpkin-rice or pumpkin-millet porridge.

Lunch: 200 g pumpkin puree.

Afternoon snack: one fresh apple or about 100 g of pumpkin puree.

Dinner: pumpkin-rice or pumpkin-millet porridge.

Diet on the pumpkin XNUMX-day diet

Day 1

Breakfast: a salad of raw pumpkin and almonds / pumpkin seeds or a porridge of pumpkin and brown rice cooked in low fat milk or water.

Lunch: pumpkin puree soup.

Dinner: pumpkin, stewed with cinnamon and other spices that you like.

Day 2

Breakfast: pumpkin and almond salad.

Lunch: vegetable soup (don’t forget to include pumpkin in it); cutlets made with pumpkin, oatmeal and egg white.

Dinner: apples, fresh or baked (can be combined).

Day 3

Breakfast: pumpkin and brown rice porridge, boiled in water or low-fat milk.

Lunch: vegetable soup with a small amount of lean turkey.

Dinner: pumpkin and pineapple salad.

Day 4

Breakfast: pumpkin salad with almonds and / or pumpkin seeds.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht or vegetable soup; grilled non-starchy vegetables.

Dinner: pumpkin and other vegetable stew (excl. Potatoes).

Contraindications for the pumpkin diet

  • Although pumpkin is good for health, it is not recommended to consume it in large quantities for those who are firsthand familiar with diseases of the pancreas or gastrointestinal tract. This limitation is due to the fact that pumpkin contains a lot of dietary fiber, which makes it difficult to digest for people with these conditions and therefore can worsen their condition.
  • Also, losing weight with a pumpkin is not recommended for people, professionally, and just actively involved in sports.
  • Under heavy loads, this food can cause a slowdown in the body’s metabolic processes and the loss of not fat, but muscle mass.

Benefits of the pumpkin diet

  1. One of the benefits of a pumpkin-based diet is that eating this vegetable is very satisfying. So, as a rule, hunger is not a companion of people losing weight using this method.
  2. And of course, let’s dwell on the useful properties of pumpkin, of which there are really a great many. Without exaggeration, it can be argued that pumpkin is the record holder among other vegetables in terms of the content of components that have a beneficial effect on the human body.
  3. Vitamin A, found in large quantities in pumpkin, has a healthy effect on vision. Therefore, ophthalmologists advise, if any problems of this type arise, immediately include in food more pumpkin and juice from it.
  4. Vitamin B has a positive effect on the nervous system, helping to resist mood swings and depression.
  5. The fiber contained in this vegetable has a wonderful effect on the work of the stomach, preventing, in particular, constipation.
  6. Vitamin C perfectly improves immunity and normalizes blood cholesterol, nullifying many problems that may arise due to deviations from the norm of this vital indicator.
  7. There was a place in the composition of a dietary vegetable and vitamin E, which acts as a component to prevent premature aging of the body.
  8. It is worth paying attention to the abundance of iron in pumpkin, which makes the vegetable especially useful for anemia.
  9. Pumpkin is involved in the prevention and control of various diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  10. The introduction of pumpkin into the diet and on the condition of the skin and hair is positively reflected, teeth and nails are noticeably strengthened.

Disadvantages of the pumpkin diet

  • This technique is not suitable for those who don’t like pumpkin. To eat it in such quantities, you really need to be a fan of this vegetable.
  • Prolonged pumpkin mono-nutrition can lead to a lack of vitamins and substances contained in other foods that are now banned.
  • It should be noted that not at all seasons of the year you can lose weight with a pumpkin. And in the city it is not so easy to get a high-quality vegetable.

Re-doing the pumpkin diet

Sitting on a pumpkin diet for 12 days or more is not recommended more than once every 2 months. If we are talking about a short-term technique, it is advisable to wait for a pause for at least a month. Indeed, despite the usefulness of pumpkin, the diet during weight loss in this way is still quite limited.

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