Pulpitis – what is it, phases, treatment, complications, prevention

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Dental pulp inflammation usually occurs as a result of untreated caries. The disease causes pain, initially slight and transient, then with greater intensity, constant day and night, radiating and pulsating. The appearance of symptoms is an indication for a visit to the dentist, as untreated pulpitis leads to serious diseases.

What is pulpitis?

Inflammation of the tooth pulp is a common consequence of untreated caries, the bacteria of which attack the deepest tissues, leading to disease. The ailment may also be caused by mechanical injuries (e.g. fracture) or multiple treatments performed on one tooth. Pulpitis is manifested by pain of varying intensity.

In the disease, we extend the initial phase: pain occurs only when drinking and eating cold or sweet foods, and the advanced phase: pain occurs constantly while eating or lying down and returns very often (then pulpitis is an irreversible process). In addition to pain, there are general symptoms such as high temperature, headaches and throat aches and general malaise.

Pulpitis – phases

1. The first stage of pulpitis – it is a reversible stage and lasts for about three days. During this phase, patients experience slight pain, which occurs especially when consuming cold and sweet products. Reporting the patient to the doctor at this stage has a good prognosis because the pulpitis can be stopped. The dentist usually prescribes conservative treatment, removes caries from cavities, and then implements treatment with special preparations or puts on a permanent filling.

2. The second stage of pulpitis – is an irreversible phase in which the dentist is not able to stop the development of inflammation. The hallmark of acute pulpitis is an unbearable throbbing toothache, especially at night. Unfortunately, even the removal of caries does not bring relief. The tooth is constantly hypersensitive to both touch and food. The only way out is to completely remove the damaged pulp.

3. The third stage of pulpitis (necrosis) – is characterized by the formation of pulp necrosis, which is asymptomatic at first. During the dental examination, deep caries and partially damaged chamber vault are found. In the oral cavity, you can observe necrotic masses and the loss of its natural color and gloss by the tooth. Often the tooth begins to take on a bluish bluish color. Over time, the dead tissue decomposes and gangrene forms.

In the initial stage of the disease, the changes are usually reversible and it is possible to take the so-called biological treatmentas a result of which the tooth pulp does not lose its vitality, while in the next stage the changes are irreversible and the treatment must be combined with the necessity to remove the dental pulp and carry out the so-called endodontic treatment with subsequent tight filling of the root canal with a special preparation.

If the tooth is not treated during this period, it will develop pulp necrosis and gangrene, as well as inflammation of the periapical tissues of the teeth with many consequences. The tooth begins to be sensitive to biting and touch, and an abscess may form in the periapical area. Significant swelling develops, subjective symptoms are great.

Acute inflammation leads to chronic inflammation of the periapical tissues of the teeth and changes in the alveolar bone. Sometimes, chronic inflammation of the periapical tissues occurs asymptomatically, and periapical changes of the teeth are detected by X-ray examination.

Treatment of pulpitis

The diagnosis of pulpitis requires treatment as soon as possible.

In the treatment of pulpitis, it is important to get rid of caries and fill the cavities. To prevent tooth decay, you should think about tooth fluoridation. The advanced nature of the disease requires the application of a therapeutic dressing containing zinc oxide and calcium hydroxide. Patients should wear it for eight to twelve weeks. If the pain subsides after this time, the dentist will finally fill the cavity. In turn, when the tooth still hurts – implementation is necessary root canal treatment.

Need a prescription pain reliever? For this purpose, you can use a telemedicine clinic and arrange an online consultation with an e-Prescription.

Undertaking endodontic treatment of a tooth is related to the structure of the tooth (single or multi-rooted tooth), depends on the size of the lesion and the extent of bone destruction of the alveolar process. During root canal treatment, the dentist removes dead tissue from the inside of the tooth. The treatment is completed with a tight filling of the root canal.

Sometimes the only option is to remove the tooth completely.

Complications of pulpitis

Unfortunately, patients very often ignore the toothache that appears at the time of acute pulpitis (when necrosis has not occurred yet or the necrotic changes are small). This is a big mistake. Consultation with a dentist at this stage and implementation of appropriate treatment can not only save the tooth, but also prevent serious complications. The consequence of pulp necrosis, or rather its putrefactive decay, may be:

  1. periostitis,
  2. the formation of abscesses,
  3. degradation of the bones adjacent to the tooth root,
  4. infection of periodontal tissues,
  5. the formation of fistulas, thorium and cocci,
  6. development of systemic diseases as a result of bacteria entering the bloodstream: myocarditis, sepsis, brain abscess, glomerulonephritis and rheumatic diseases.

For rheumatic pains, you can use hemp cooling gel, which reduces the discomfort of the spine, muscles and joints.

How to prevent pulpitis?

Oral hygiene is of paramount importance in the prevention of tooth pulp. It is worth buying a sonic toothbrush, which cleans the oral cavity more effectively and thoroughly than a regular manual toothbrush. Avoid eating sweets and sugars. In addition, the condition of the teeth should be checked every six months by visiting a dentist. It is also worth using LACTIBIANE Buccodental for oral cavity infections and caries, which helps to maintain the proper bacterial flora of the oral cavity, which supports the prevention and treatment of cavities and oral cavity inflammations.

Parents play an important role as they should educate the child from an early age on how to properly brush their teeth, when and how often. It is the parents who should be the role models, so showing children hygienic habits will avoid unpleasant and painful dental diseases. Unfortunately, recently there has been an increasing incidence of caries among children, which may cause many painful consequences in the future.

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