Friendship diet, 2 weeks, -7 kg

Losing weight up to 7 kg in 2 weeks.

The average daily calorie content is 840 Kcal.

The friendship diet gained wide popularity with the light hand of Tatyana Malakhova, a woman who has been working as an engineer for a long time and has nothing to do with the field of dietetics and proper nutrition. But Tatyana’s life changed in 2004, when she decided to fight overweight.

Having experienced many newfangled ways to reduce body weight, having talked with various means for losing weight, which did not bring noticeable results, but only exhausted the woman, she developed this diet through her own trial and error. Purposeful Tatiana threw off more than 60 kg and dramatically changed not only her figure, but also her life. As a result, her book “Be Slim” was published. The Friendship Diet has helped get rid of life-spoiling pounds for a lot of people. How does Malakhova suggest to lose weight?

Friendship diet requirements

The basis of the book “Be Slim” is the opinion that you need to make friends with the body (hence, apparently, the name of the diet arose). As the author notes, we often do not listen to the true needs of our body. At the time when he asks for nutrients, we stuff him with fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy food products, which not only lead to a set of extra pounds, but can, with regular consumption, cause serious harm to health.

Consider basic requirements of the friendship diet.

  • When you wake up in the morning, be sure to drink a glass of water at room temperature or warm temperature. Life-giving moisture is necessary throughout the day. So that the food is absorbed as quickly as possible, and the process of losing weight pleases with its effectiveness, Malakhova recommends drinking a glass of water about 20 minutes before meals. And you do not need to drink directly with or after meals. This rule applies not only to water, but also to other liquids (tea, coffee, kefir, juice, etc.).
  • You should always have breakfast and try to do it in the next hour of waking in the morning.
  • Dinner should be at least 3 hours before lights out.
  • It is recommended to eat at least 4 times per day, slowly, chewing food thoroughly, without being distracted by extraneous matters.
  • Make sure to include a fresh vegetable or mixed vegetable salad in every meal.
  • To start the process of weight loss, the calorie content of the diet should be lowered, but not too much. Like many nutritionists, the author of the Friendship Diet does not recommend lowering your daily nutritional value below 1200 calories. Otherwise, it is fraught with a slowdown in metabolism and the creation of many other problems, both regarding health and regarding weight loss.
  • Try to distribute your calorie intake approximately equally across all meals.
  • Given your weight, in order for weight loss to occur as correctly as possible, it is recommended to consume 1-1,5 g of protein and up to 45 g of fat for each available kilogram. If it is difficult to call your lifestyle active, and you know about sports only by hearsay, it is better to lower the fat rate to 30 g.
  • To avoid getting bored with the dietary rules, try to awaken your culinary skills. Make the menu as varied as possible.
  • It is not recommended to mix vegetable and animal fats within the same meal.
  • Once or twice a week, so as not to yearn for sweets at all, you can pamper yourself with 30-40 g of dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, while keeping within the permitted calorie intake. But you need to do this during breakfast or, at most, at lunch.

The author of the method advises to significantly minimize the amount of salt in the diet and quarrel with potatoes, corn, rice (especially white). You should not be friends with food that had to go through a long heat treatment (smoked meats, canned food, sausage products), with semi-finished products, dishes fried in oil, and industrially made sauces.

Malakhova advises to focus on foods with a glycemic index of up to 50 units:

– vegetables and fruits (mostly non-starchy);

– low fat and minimum fat content of dairy and fermented milk products;

– seafood;

– seeds and nuts (in very moderate quantities);

– sugar-free flakes;

– whole grain bread;

– cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal, but not instant food);

– legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans);

– various dried fruits;

– lean meat (without skin and fat).

You can season salads with vegetable oils and lemon juice. Use natural seasonings to enhance the taste of your food. You can drink tea and coffee, but no sugar. Also, fruit, vegetable or mixed juices are allowed in small quantities (no sweeteners and not store-bought).

Adhere to the rules of a friendly technique, if everything is in order with health, it is worth until you reach the desired physical form. But then, if you don’t want to regain the kilograms that you were getting rid of so hard, you don’t need to allow yourself a lot of prohibited products. It is advisable to keep the basic principles of diet in life, simply gradually increasing the daily calorie intake until you find your ideal indicator – a figure at which the weight will neither decrease nor increase.

Friendship diet menu

Friendship Diet Weekly Diet Example


Breakfast: oatmeal on water with dried apricots pieces; cottage cheese.

Snack: a glass of kefir and an apple.

Lunch: grilled chicken breast baked in the company of tomatoes; salad of non-starchy vegetables and herbs.

Dinner: salad of boiled shrimp, cucumber, avocado, lettuce and bell pepper, seasoned with a mix of a little olive oil and lemon juice.


Breakfast: cottage cheese with grated carrots; a couple of dried dried fruits.

Snack: apple and pear salad flavored with a little sesame seeds.

Lunch: a serving of bean soup without frying; salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and greens; a few tablespoons of buckwheat porridge.

Dinner: lean fish fillet baked with low-fat natural yogurt sauce; a couple of non-starchy vegetables.


Breakfast: oatmeal in water with wheat germ and fresh strawberries; cottage cheese and half a grapefruit.

Snack: baked apple and a glass of kefir.

Lunch: seafood; a portion of white cabbage salad, cucumbers, radishes, seasoned with a few drops of linseed oil and lemon juice; a slice of whole grain bread with tofu cheese.

Dinner: low-fat curd mass with cucumber, garlic, herbs.


Breakfast: oatmeal with prunes and figs.

Snack: pear and apple salad dressed with kefir.

Lunch: stewed turkey fillet; steamed green beans; fresh green vegetables.

Dinner: an omelet of two eggs and a tomato, steamed or in a pan without adding oil; salad of carrots, beets and white cabbage; a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: muesli without sugar with a small amount of nuts and berries, seasoned with natural yogurt.

Snack: orange and apple.

Lunch: lean chicken and vegetable skewers, grilled; carrot and seaweed salad; squash puree soup.

Dinner: bell pepper; stuffed with minced chicken, carrots and onions.


Breakfast: oatmeal mixed with curd.

Snack: orange or 2-3 small tangerines.

Lunch: boiled chicken fillet and vegetables stewed in water.

Dinner: lean baked fish meat and white cabbage salad with cucumbers and herbs.


Breakfast: cottage cheese with a handful of nuts or seeds.

Snack: baked apple.

Lunch: baked fish and carrot and beetroot salad.

Dinner: boiled peas, a couple of cucumbers and a tomato.

Note… Considering the basic recommendations of the friendship diet, you can develop your own menu based on your taste preferences and capabilities.

Friendship Diet Contraindications

There are very few contraindications to the friendship diet.

  • These include the presence of a peptic ulcer or gastritis during an exacerbation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood and adolescence.
  • Of course, you should not use any product if you have experienced allergic reactions to it.
  • If you follow a certain diet of a therapeutic nature and want to transform your body according to the Malakhova diet, consult your doctor. Surely there is a way out.

The virtues of the friendship diet

The Friendship Diet is full of virtues that make it stand out among many other ways to transform your figure.

  1. She has collected the basic principles of proper nutrition, so the body is not deprived of the substances it needs. This minimizes the likelihood of health problems.
  2. Due to smooth weight loss, the skin, as a rule, does not sag, which is especially important for people who lose a significant amount of extra pounds.
  3. A friendly diet helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body. This means that the chances of regaining the lost pounds after losing weight are very small.
  4. When following the rules of this technique, muscle tissue does not go away, but it is the fat layer that disappears, and also toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that are of no use to him are gradually removed from the body.
  5. A wide diet can also be called an advantage. Show your imagination and you can eat delicious and varied.
  6. In addition, with a competent approach to the preparation of the menu, you can lose weight without the pangs of hunger and discomfort.

Disadvantages of the friendship diet

  • Some losing weight highlighted the following drawback of the Malakhova diet – weight does not go away very quickly. It is known that, in contrast to the opinion of nutritionists about the need to lose weight gradually, many want to quickly and significantly modernize their body. In this case, the friendship diet will not work.
  • It is not easy to get used to the rules of the methodology, it can be for people whose diet was very far from proper nutrition, and for those who ate excessively abundant. It can take time to reshape your eating habits.
  • Due to the fact that the body is rebuilding to a new working mode, at first (usually up to 10-12 days from the start of the diet) skin rashes and constipation may occur.

Repeating the Friendship Diet

If you start gaining weight after the diet is over, you can return to the friendship diet as soon as you wish (as long as you feel well). But before that, be sure to consult with your doctor to rule out the possibility of endocrine disorders and other health problems, because of which extra pounds could knock on your door again.

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