Products that kill tooth enamel

Beautiful and healthy teeth, of course, largely determined genetically. However, even if nature has endowed you with beautiful teeth and you had never been to the dentist, you still have to behave properly with your teeth.

After all, some foods can kill even the healthiest teeth. And this is not some outlandish and rare dishes, with these products, we meet very often.

Sweet drinks

Sweet carbonated drinks are the worst enemy of tooth enamel because they contain acids that mercilessly destroy them. And all products containing sugar cause her harm.

I ate something sweet – rinse teeth. And it is better to forget about sugar, as do celebrities.

Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea are anti-aging drinks, but they affect not the best way on the condition of the teeth. First, they paint enamel in yellow color, and more coffee leads to the leaching of calcium from the body. This means that teeth will deteriorate faster from external influence and lack important elements within the body.

Therefore, coffee must be limited to 1-2 cups a day, and rinsing is required after each use.

Products that kill tooth enamel

Seeds with peel

Interesting detective, a warm blanket, pack of sunflower seeds is not that the dream?! Maybe, but if you want to have white healthy teeth, you will have to say goodbye. Husk damage the enamel, which may or may not recover.

Products with dyes

Whether dyes, artificial or natural, if you abuse these products over time, the teeth’ tone becomes more yellow.

Beets, soy sauce, and red wine – can give your teeth a yellowish tint. We are talking about the abuse and not on the consumption from time to time.

Be healthy!

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