Prevention of cold sores

Prevention of cold sores

Can we prevent?

Since HSV-1 infection is very widespread and is mainly transmitted during childhood, he is very difficult to prevent her. However, the following precautionary measures can be taken.

Precautionary measures against cold sores

  • Avoidto kiss someone who has a cold sore rash, until the blisters are completely dry. The fluid inside the vesicles contains virus.
  • Avoid using utensils or objects that may have come in direct contact with the saliva or mouth of an infected person, especially during a herpes outbreak.
  • Avoid oral / genital contact during a rash of herpes labialis or genital in their partner. The herpes simplex virus type 2 (which causes genital herpes) can cause cold sores.

Measures to prevent recurrence in an infected person

Determine the triggers. First, try to discover the circumstances that contribute to the recurrence. Try to avoid them as much as possible (stress, certain medications, etc.). THE‘Sun exposure is a factor of recidivism common to many people. In such a case, apply a sun protection balm on your lips (SPF 15 or more), winter and summer. This measurement is even more important at high altitudes and in tropical regions. You should also moisturize your lips with a moisturizing balm. Dry and cracked lips indeed provide a fertile ground for the appearance of lesions.

Strengthen your immune system. Experts believe that much of the control of a herpes virus infection relies on strong immunity. A weak or weak immune system contributes to recurrence. Some key factors:

  • a Healthy eating (see the Nutrition file);
  • good sleep;
  • physical activity.

See the Strengthen Your Immune System fact sheet for a more detailed overview of the approaches.

Take antiviral drugs. The doctor may prescribe antivirals as a preventive measure tablets in more serious cases: large and frequent rashes, people with an immune deficiency or AIDS. This can help reduce the frequency of recurrence.



The prevention of cold sores: understand everything in 2 min

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