
Throughout life, we often become victims of stereotypes associated with age. Sometimes too young, sometimes too mature… Most of all, such discrimination affects the moral and physical health of the elderly. Due to ageism, it is more difficult for them to realize themselves, and the stereotyped judgments of others reduce the circle of communication. But after all, we all sooner or later reach old age …

habitual discrimination

«I’m losing my merchandise. It’s time for plastic surgery, ”a friend told me with a sad smile. Vlada is 50, and she, in her words, «works with her face.» In fact, he conducts training sessions for employees of large companies. She has two higher educations, a broad outlook, rich experience and a gift for working with people. But she also has mimic wrinkles on her face and gray hair in her stylishly cut hair.

Management believes that she, as a coach, must be young and attractive, otherwise the audience «will not take her seriously.» Vlada loves her job and is afraid of being left without money, so she is ready, against her own will, to go under the knife, so as not to lose her “presentation”.

This is a typical example of ageism — discrimination based on age. Studies show that it is even more widespread than sexism and racism. If you’re looking at job openings, you’ll probably notice that, as a rule, companies are looking for employees under the age of 45.

“Stereotypical thinking helps to simplify the picture of the world. But often prejudices interfere with the adequate perception of other people. For example, most employers indicate age restrictions in vacancies due to the stereotype of poor learning after 45 years of age, ”comments a specialist in the field of gerontology and geriatrics, Professor Andrey Ilnitsky.

Due to the influence of ageism, some doctors do not offer older patients to undergo therapy, associating the disease with age. And health conditions such as dementia are mistakenly considered side effects of normal aging, the expert says.

No exit?

“The image of eternal youth is cultivated in society. Attributes of maturity, such as gray hair and wrinkles, are usually hidden. Our prejudices are also influenced by the general negative attitude towards the retirement age. According to polls, Russians associate aging with poverty, illness and loneliness.

So we are in a dead end. On the one hand, older people do not lead a full life because of a biased attitude towards them. On the other hand, such stereotypical thinking in society is strengthened due to the fact that most people cease to lead an active social life with age, ”notes Andrey Ilnitsky.

A good reason to fight ageism

Life is relentless. The elixir of eternal youth has not yet been invented. And all those who today fire employees 50+, dismissively call pensioners “pennies”, listen to them with polite detachment, or communicate like unreasonable children (“OK, boomer!”), After a while, they themselves will enter this age.

Will they want people to “forget” about their experience, skills and spiritual qualities, seeing gray hair and wrinkles? Will they like it if they themselves begin to be limited, excluded from social life, or considered weak and incompetent?

“Infantilization of the elderly leads to a decrease in self-esteem. This increases the risk of depression and social isolation. As a result, pensioners agree with the stereotype and see themselves as society sees them. Older people who perceive their aging negatively recover worse from disability and, on average, live seven years less than people with a positive attitude towards their years,” says Andrey Ilnitsky.

Perhaps ageism is the only kind of discrimination in which the «persecutor» is sure to become the «victim» (if he lives to old age). This means that those who are now 20 and 30 years old should be more actively involved in the fight against ageism. And then, perhaps, closer to 50, they will no longer have to worry about the “presentation”.

Dealing with deeply ingrained prejudice on your own is quite difficult, the expert believes. To combat ageism, we need to rethink what aging is. In progressive countries, the anti-age movement is actively promoted, proving that old age is not a terrible period in life.

According to UN forecasts, in three decades there will be twice as many people over the age of 60 on our planet as they are now. And these will be just those who today have the opportunity to influence the change in public opinion — and thereby improve their own future.

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