Want not just to lose weight, and strengthen muscles and work on muscle mass? We offer you strength training at home HASfit from for all muscle groups that will help you to improve the terrain of the body. In addition, the trainers popular youtube channel and offer a 30-day calendar of law enforcement programs for the growth of muscle and build a strong body.
30 Day Muscle Building Program: weight training at home
HASfit coaches (Joshua Kozak and his wife Claudia) developed a 30-day plan free weight training for muscle growth at home. 30 Day Muscle Building Program is a perfect program of this kind, which will help you to increase your strength and improve body composition. The complex is suitable for most working in intermediate to advanced level of training through various modifications of exercises and a relaxed pace of implementation.
The program includes 20 different workouts, so you are guaranteed not to be boring and monotonous. Excluding warm-up and cool-down sessions will take you about 30 minutes daily with one day off a week. Stay maybe another day (not on calendar) at your discretion, however, to restore at least 1 time a week it is needed. Some days you will be offered training to choose from: Burn (cardio-load) or Build Flex (power load for all muscle groups) depending on your goals and needs.
You can repeat a 30-day plan as many times as you want. But the coaches advise to increase the weight used for each exercise to avoid plateaus and stagnation. This power set will fit both men and women. However, the girls should not worry that their body is a big increase in the volume of such training. Due to the low levels of the hormone testosterone noticeable increase in muscle mass is quite laborious for women.
Minimum required equipment for this program strength training at home – two pairs of dumbbells (one light pair and one heavier). The weight of dumbbells depends entirely on your level of fitness and is best determined empirically. You should not be easy, the latter approach should be performed at maximum voltage, but you need to follow the correct form of the exercises.
As additional equipment you may need: a bench, an exercise ball, barbell, bar, kettlebell, expander, but they are not required. However, any surface to perform exercises lying down to be desirable. You can use a few stools, it is quite substitute for a bench or fitball. However, this complex strength training for muscle growth uses the minimum of equipment unlike other similar programs:
- P90X with Tony Horton: power program for your home
- Supreme 90 Day Workout: a comprehensive power program
- Body Beast: the complex strength training for muscle growth
A selection of weight training for muscle growth from HASFit
If you do not want to engage in a power complex, you can just include individual videos into your fitness plan. Below we offer strength training at home HASfit from muscle upper and lower body. Training the bark in this collection are not logged in. They will be collected in a separate article, because the channel presents a lot of different video for the abdominal muscles.
Each of the following exercises are marked with Building Muscle (building muscle) and they are all included in a comprehensive program 30 Day Muscle Building Program at Home. We have previously offered you some strength training from HASfit, which are also recommended for implementation as weight training. However, the video of a new series designed specifically for building muscle.
Each video lists the exercises included in the workout. If the exercises are combined into one group according to the letter (e.g. A1 and A2), so these exercises are alternated. The figures indicate the number of repetitions. For each workout, you need dumbbells. Other equipment is optional. Most often, Claudia shows a variant with dumbbells, and Joshua uses the horizontal bar, rod, expander. These weight training at home suitable for both men and women.
Strength training at home for buttocks and legs
1. 30 Min Home Bodybuilding Legs Workout at Home Exercises.
For a couple of exercises in this strength training you will need a chair/bench/platform.
- A1: Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift 3-0-3 Tempo 4×8
- B1: 1 ¼ Dumbbell Front Squat x12 x10 x8
- B2: Dumbbell Bulgarian Hip Hinge x12 x10 x8
- C1: Dumbbell Hack Squats / Elevated Heels x12 x10 x8
- C2: Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts / Toes Elevated x12 x10 x8
- D1: Dumbbell Step Ups 3×8
- D2: DB Side Lunge / Elevated Side Lunge 3×8
- E1: Dumbbell Squats + Calf Raise x 4 Tabata rounds of 20 sec work / 10 sec rest
2. 30 Minute Bodybuilding Leg Workout to Build Muscle
Kettlebell, barbell, exercise ball/bench – optional.
- A1: DB / Barbell Squat x15 x12 x10 x8
- B1: DB Bulgarian Squat x15 x12 x8
- B2: DB Sumo DL / Barbell x15 x12 x8
- C1: DB Side Lunge x12 x10 x8
- C2: DB Posterior Swing / Kettlebell x12 x10 x8
- C3: DB Split Squat / Barbell x12 x10 x8
- D1: Barbell Hip Thrusters / 131 Tempo Hip Ups 3×8
- D2: DB Reverse Lunge 131 Tempo 3×8
- E1: Calf Raise Toes Forward x 30 sec
- E2: Calf Raise Toes Out x 30 sec
- E3: Toes In Calf Raise x 30 sec
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Strength training at home for individual muscle groups
3. 30 Min Back and Bicep Workout to Build Muscle
You will also need a towel. Rod – optional.
- A1 Deadlift / DB Deadlift x15 x12 x10 x8
- B1 Bent Over Row / DB x15 x12 x10 x8
- B2 Zottman Curls x15 x12 x10 x8
- C1 Reverse Fly x12 x10 x8
- C2 One Arm Row + Twist x12 x10 x8
- C3 Still Leg DL + Shrug / RDL + Shrug x12 x10 x8
- D1 303 Tempo Hammer Curl 3×8
- D2 Towel Skydivers 303 Tempo 3×8
- E1 Dumbbell Snatch x 60 sec
- E2 Alt Curl Burnout x 60 sec
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4. 30 Min Chest and Tricep Workout to Build Muscle
It is desirable to have a fitball or bench.
- A1: DB Chest Press x15 x12 x10 x8
- B1: Dumbbell Pullover x15 x12 x8
- B2: DB Pronate Kickback x15 x12 x8
- C1: DB Fly x12 x10 x8
- C2: DB Press with Rotation x12 x10 x8
- C3: DB Elbow Out Ext x12 x10 x8
- D1: Bench Dips / Chair Dips 303 Tempo 3×8
- D2: Svend Press And 303 Tempo 3×8
- E1: Elevated Pushup / Floor/ Knees x 60 sec
- E2: DB Triceps Ext x 60 sec
Watch this video on YouTube
5. 20 Min Shoulder Workout with Dumbbells
Only need a dumbbell.
- A1: Cuban Press x12, x10, x8, x6
- B1: Dumbbell Over and Back Press 3×8
- B2: Y Raise 3×12
- B3: Rear Delt Upright Row 3×12
- C1: Dumbbell Front Raise x12, x10, x8
- C2: Overhand Reverse Fly x12, x10, x8
- D1: Side Raise 3×8 + 3×5 sec Pulse
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6. 20 Min Dumbbell Chest Muscle Building Workout
It is desirable to have a fitball or bench.
- A1: 2:1 to Negative Press Fly x15 x12 x10 x8
- B1: Underhand Chest Press x15 x12 x10 x8
- B2: Dumbbell Low Fly’s / Band x15 x12 x10 x8
- C1: Dumbbell Fly 4×8
- C2: Dumbbell Chest Press 4×15
- D1: 1 ¼ Push Up from Knees 3 x 30 seconds
- E1: Hover Pushup x 60 sec
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7. 20 Min Muscle Building Dumbbell Back Workout
The bar, rod, elastic band – optional.
- A1: DB Bent Over Row / Pullups 5×5
- B1: Dumbbell Sumo Stiff Leg Deadlift / Barbell x15 x12 x10 x8
- B2: Dumbbell High Pull / Hang Clean Barbell x15 x12 x10 x8
- C1: Dumbbell Upright Row / Barbell x12 x10 x8
- C2: Dumbbell Reverse Fly / Band Pull Apart x10 x12 x8
- D1: T x 30 sec
- D2: I x 30 sec
- D3: Y x 30 sec
- E1: Plank Scapula Pushups from Knees / on Feet x 60 sec
Watch this video on YouTube
8. 20 Min Muscle Building Dumbbell Bicep Workout
Only need a dumbbell.
- A1: Bent Over Spider Curls 4×8
- B1: Wide Grip Curls x12 x10 x8
- B2: Reverse Curl + Wrist Curl x12 x10 x8
- C1: Forearm Bicep Twists x12 x10 x8
- C2: Kneeling Hammer Curl x12 x10 x8
- D1: Zottman Curls x Burnout
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9. 17 Min Home Tricep Workout with Dumbbells
Bench – optional.
- A1: Diamond Push Ups from Knees 4×8
- B1: Dumbbell Extension 3:1 Tempo / from Bench x12 x10 x8
- B2: Dumbbell Narrow Press from a Bench x12 x10 x8
- C1: Seated Bent Over Triceps Kickback x12 x10 x8
- C2: Dumbbell Elbow Out Ext / from Bench x12 x10 x8
- D1: Tabata Triceps Popups / from Knees 4 x 20 sec work / 10 sec rest
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Workout combined
10. 45 Min Chest and Back Workout with Dumbbells
Exercise #6 + training #7 (description see above).
Watch this video on YouTube
11. 40 Min Muscle Building Arm Workout (Bicep and Tricep)
Exercise #8 + exercise #9 (see above).
Watch this video on YouTube
12. 60 Min Upper Body Workout at Home with Dumbbells
Workout #3 + workout #4 (see above).
Watch this video on YouTube
In addition to the above videos in complex strength training for the home environment 30 Day Muscle Building Program includes some classes. Calendar with direct links to the videos can be found here on the official website HASfit.
See also: 9 workouts Total Body full body from FitnessBlender.
For tone and muscle growth, dumbbells, weight training