PMS in women: how to survive

PMS in women: how to survive

There are happy women who do not feel on themselves all the “charms” of PMS, according to statistics, there are about 20 percent of them. If you are one of them – congratulations, for the rest we have collected scientific and not too much methods of dealing with this female ailment.

What is PMS? Term “premenstrual syndrome” (a complex of negative symptoms that occurs in women in the days preceding menstruation) was first used in 1931 by an obstetrician-gynecologist Robert Frank, and PMS was recognized as an official disease only in 1948.

Finally, it has been scientifically proven that damned hormones are to blame for women’s irritability, moodiness and nervousness, and not at all a trashy character, as was commonly believed before. However, scientists have no consensus regarding the causes of PMS.

There are two main theories: according to the first, the syndrome arises from low hormone levels progesterone and excess estrogen.

These hormones contribute to fluid retention in the body – hence the swelling and headache. In addition, estrogen can affect a woman’s emotional state. So much for aggression, depression, and bouts of sentimentality.

The second theory is water intoxication – explains PMS by a violation of the water-salt metabolism of fluid in the body. They also say that PMS is a consequence of vitamin deficiency, in particular, a lack of vitamins B6, A, magnesium, calcium, zinc. And the wisest doctors argue that all of the above factors are equally to blame for the appearance of the syndrome.

It turns out that there are as many as 4 forms of PMS:

1. Neuropsychic – characterized by weakness, tearfulness, depression, or, conversely, unreasonable irritability, aggression. Moreover, the state “everything pisses me off” usually prevails in young girls, while older women often fall into melancholy.

2. The edematous form is swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, swelling of the face, legs and hands, sweating. With this form, the sensitivity to odors is sharply expressed, a change in taste sensations is possible.

3. Cephalgic form – with it there are headaches, nausea, dizziness.

4. And, finally, the last, the most terrible form is the crisis. It manifests itself in the form of adrenaline crises: the chest seems to be squeezing, the heart is pounding, the arms and legs go numb. In addition, a heightened fear of death arises.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of PMS. All we can do is help our body get through unpleasant days.

During PMS, many are overcome by a simply brutal appetite – this is how the body tries to increase the level of the “happiness hormone” serotonin. However, this is good, because most of the ways to combat PMS, so to speak, are oral, that is, associated with the ingestion of certain products.

Here are 10 helpful tips:

  • You need to eat often (5-6 times a day), but little by little to keep your blood sugar stable. This will help relieve weakness and irritability.

  • Eat salmon, trout or tuna several times a week – these fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, they reduce depression and also help to think better. But it is better to forget about any meat (even chicken) during this period.

  • Избегайте too salty и too sweet food. Salt retains water and causes puffiness, while excess sugar increases fatigue and mood swings.

  • Take vitamin B6 (a lot of it in bananas), and magnesium preparations and eat foods rich in them: almonds, pistachios, beans, sunflower seeds.

  • Eat more vegetables, fruits, drink herbal teas and juices, carrot and lemon are especially good in this situation. From coffee is recommended to refuse, as it increases nervousness, but if you are an avid coffee lover, then it is hardly worth depriving yourself of the usual drink.
  • To make the chest hurt less drink vitamins A and E, eat salads seasoned with vegetable oil.

  • Take calcium gluconate or carbonate… Recently, a study was conducted that showed that this drug helps to get rid of cramps, headaches, back aches, muscle tension, weakness and water retention in the body. Also, instead of pills, you can eat more. low-fat dairy products.

  • Try avoid stress – protect yourself from communicating with unpleasant people, do not take on additional tasks at work.

  • Exercise regularly… Exercise increases the body’s production of endorphins, hormones that provide a sense of satisfaction and well-being. Therefore, with PMS, it is simply necessary continue to play sports (without exhausting overloads, of course). And, by the way, sex will also not be superfluous in such a situation. However, when was he superfluous?

  • Don’t strain yourself! If you have a desire to throw something heavy at the author of the article for such advice, wait. Of course, relaxing is not so easy, especially during PMS, however, breathing exercises, meditation and yoga help many.

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