Pleurisy – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Pleurisy – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Pleurisy is characterized by inflammation of the pleura, the membrane covering the lungs. This pathology results in intense pain in the chest and other clinical signs.

What is pleurisy?

Definition of pleurisy

Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura, the membrane covering the lungs.

This inflammation of the pleura results in sharp and intense pain in the chest and chest during deep breathing. The pain can also be localized in the shoulders.

Other signs may indicate pleurisy, such as shortness of breath, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), a dry cough, sneezing or shallow breathing.

The visit to the doctor is recommended to the observation of these first symptoms in order to reduce the pain. In the context of a severe cough, nausea, sweating or even nosebleeds, consultation as soon as possible is necessary.

The diagnosis of this disease is quick, at the sight of the first signs and symptoms.

Other additional tests can confirm this diagnosis, such as:

  • blood test, to identify the presence of biological factors linked to an infection;
  • radiography;
  • ultrasound;
  • biopsy, of a small sample of the pleura.

Some types of pleurisy can be differentiated:

  • La purulent pleurisy, consequence of complications of pneumonia. It usually results in an accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.
  • La chronic pleurisy, consequence of pleurisy that lasts over time (more than three months).

Causes of pleurisy

In most cases of pleurisy, the initial cause is a viral infection (such as influenza, for example) or bacterial (in the context of pneumonia, for example).

The viruses responsible for pleurisy can be: influenza virus (virus responsible for influenza), Epstein-Barr Virus, cytomegalovirus, etc.

The bacteria most often the source of pleurisy resume: streptococcus, staphylococcus or even streptococcus aureus methicillin-resistant (found particularly in hospitals).

In rarer cases, pleurisy can be caused by the formation of a blood clot, blocking the flow of blood to the lungs in the event of pulmonary embolism or by lung cancer.

Other causes can also be at the origin of the disease, in particular a surgical intervention of the respiratory system, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, infection by HIV (AIDS virus), or mesothelioma (type of cancer lungs).

Who is affected by pleurisy

Pleurisy is an inflammation of the respiratory system that can affect every person.

Nevertheless, the elderly (65 years and over), are more concerned given their increased susceptibility to infections.

Signs, symptoms and treatments for pleurisy

Symptoms of pleurisy

The main symptoms relating to pleurisy resume very severe chest pain. These pains are accentuated in the context of deep breathing, coughing or sneezing.

This pain can be felt exclusively in the chest or spread to other parts of the body, especially the shoulders and back.

Other symptoms can also be associated with pleurisy, among these:

  • of the breathing difficulties, and in particular shortness of breath;
  • a dry cough ;
  • of fever (especially in children);
  • a weight loss with no other underlying reasons.

Risk factors for pleurisy

The risk factors for developing such a pathology are mainly viral or bacterial infections of the pleura.

Surgery on the lungs, cancer or even pulmonary embolism.

People with a weakened immune system (the elderly, people with an underlying chronic pathology, people with a weakened immune system, etc.) are at greater risk of developing pleurisy.

How to treat pleurisy?

Treatment for the disease depends on the underlying cause.

In the context of a viral infection, pleurisy can be treated spontaneously and without treatment. Also, if pleurisy is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotic therapy is often used to limit complications and reduce symptoms.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to reduce symptoms and ease pain.

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