

What is it ?

Photophobia is characterized by increased sensitivity to light or even complete intolerance to it. Even low light can cause visual discomfort, eye problems (dry eyes, pain), migraines, etc. The genes caused by light cause sensitive people to squint, or even a tendency to close them completely when the sensitivity is too high. In the latter case, if the person persists in keeping their eyes open, excessive tearing may occur.

Many people suffer from this kind of phobia. It is not the consequence of an underlying disease. Sensitivity to light, in photophobic people, can come from many light sources: natural light (from the sun), artificial light, fluorescent light, flame light (candles, fires, etc.) and others.

Photophobia is not considered to be a disease as such but a set of symptoms.

People with light eyes seem to be more at risk of developing these kinds of symptoms compared to people with dark eyes. This phenomenon is explained in particular by less pigmentation of the multiple layers of the eye in subjects with blue or green eyes. These layers at eye level being in smaller quantities, they do not allow people with clear eyes to fight against the effects of light. In this sense, these people are more subject to the development of photophobia. (1)


The symptoms associated with photophobia are numerous and may be different depending on the sensitive subjects. (2)

The most common symptoms can be:

– visual genes: burning sensation in the eyes, pain, dry eyes, etc.

– a feeling of greater fatigue than in “normal” times;

– a need to squint or even close your eyes;

– excessive tearing;

– troubled, blurred vision;

– inflammation (swelling, redness, irritation, etc.) in the eyes.

Can also occur:

– headaches and migraines;

– nausea or vomiting;

– stiffness in the neck;

– dizziness and / or tingling in other parts of the body.

The origins of the disease

Several regions of the eye can be affected by the development of photophobia.

– Inflammation of the anterior region of the eye, including the iris, is the most common cause of photophobia. This is because of the role of the iris in controlling pupil size and light entry. In the case of inflammation in the muscles of the iris, there is painful contraction of these muscles when light passes through the eye. (1)

– Uveitis, defined by abrasions in the cornea (internal part of the eye) can also cause a certain intolerance to light. (1)

– At the level of cataracts, an opacity of the lens of the eye can also be the cause.

– Certain retinal pathologies (eg: retinal detachment) (1)

Migraines and bleparospasm (a disorder in the contraction of the orbicular muscles, surrounding the eye.) Can also be at the origin of this phobia. (3)

Neurological diseases such as pituitary tumors or meningitis (inflammation of the meninges: envelopes of the spinal cord and the brain.) Or even a head trauma are capable of causing the characteristic symptoms of photophobia. (3)

Taking certain medications and drugs causes the pupil to dilate for a longer or shorter period. Which usually results in increased sensitivity to light, in other words, photophobia.

People with light eyes are more concerned with the subject. As well as people with albinism (not detecting colors) or those with botulism.

Other causes can be at the origin of photophobia. This is particularly the case of conjunctivitis, sinusitis, corneal ulcer, vitamin B2 deficiency causing dilation of the pupil, etc. (2)

Risk factors

The risk factors for these symptoms are (1):

– significant exposure to artificial lights (computer screens, television, etc.);

– people with light eyes, whose pigmentation in the layers that make up the eye are less;

– people with botulism, albinism, meningitis, neurological disorders, etc.

Prevention and treatment

The first step to take when observing these characteristic signs of photophobia (dry eyes, eye irritation, visual disturbances, need to squint or even close your eyes on contact with light, etc.) is to consult a doctor. ophthalmologist. The latter will explain to the subject concerned what to do and what not to do.

Wearing sunglasses at home is not recommended. Indeed, if the photosensitive person wears dark glasses inside, he adapts to the darkness of the internal environment and in this sense increases his photosensitivity.

The development of colored glasses, tinted with pink for example, would allow certain colors such as blue and green to be filtered out. These could decrease the development of migraines in photosensitive people. (1)

In the case of vitamin B2 deficiency, causing pupil dilation, a primary intake of riboflavin B2 or other B complex vitamins may be prescribed.

In addition, certain foods such as spinach or turnips, whose zeaxanthin content is high, can be used in the natural treatment of photophobia. (1)

Finally, people who work a lot on screens are advised to use a darker background and reduce the play of contrasts. (1) *

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