Peyronie’s Disease

General description of the disease


Peyronie’s disease (fibroplastic induration of the penis) Is a benign disease in which there is a curvature of the male genital organ due to the formation of seals or plaques in its tunica albuginea.

The causes of fibroplastic induration of the penis:

  • regular trauma to manhood during lovemaking, due to which connective tissue grows at the site of microtraumas until plaques appear;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • genetic factor;
  • age (the older the man, the less elastic the tissue of the penis and therefore the likelihood of injury during intercourse increases);
  • taking medications that give such complications;
  • collagenosis (damage to joints and connective tissue);
  • hormonal background;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

Read also our special article on the right nutrition for the male reproductive system.

The main symptoms of Peyronie’s disease are:

  1. 1 pain during intercourse;
  2. 2 formations and seals that are easy to grope;
  3. 3 with this disease, it may seem to a man that his penis has become shorter (this is a purely visual sign);
  4. 4 erectile dysfunction;
  5. 5 in the stage of arousal, the penis becomes curved (up, down, sideways).

Curvatures in Peyronie’s disease are divided into:

  • ventral – the penis is curved downward;
  • dorsal – the penis is directed upward during an erection;
  • lateral – male dignity is directed to the side.

Stages of the disease and characteristic symptoms for each:

  1. 1 latent – painful sensations during an erection, the plaque is not yet detected, small, barely noticeable curvatures of the penis in the active state are possible, if you carry out studies of the vascular system, doctors find disturbed blood flow;
  2. 2 initial – insignificant pain begins not only in actin, but also in a calm state, with palpation you can feel a small seal that has no contours, the curvature is moderate, an ultrasound will show a plaque, but if you take an X-ray, it will not reveal it;
  3. 3 stabilization – the pain becomes less noticeable, the plaque appears contours and in its design it is similar to cartilage, the curvature of the penis has a pronounced character, the plaque is visible on ultrasound and only with a “soft” X-ray;
  4. 4 the final – there are no pain manifestations, the plaque already resembles a bone, it is also visible when conducting a “hard” X-ray, the curvature is pronounced, maybe at a right angle.

Healthy foods for Peyron’s disease

If you adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle and eat the right foods, the disease goes away without surgery within a year, and sometimes even earlier. To get rid of the disease, a man needs to eat foods containing vitamin E and foods that increase male strength. These abilities are possessed by:

  • fish and meat dishes (it is better to give preference to low-fat varieties);
  • seafood: squid, especially oysters, mussels, shrimps;
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir;
  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • nuts: walnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts;
  • vegetable oils and seeds;
  • natural sweets: honey, dark chocolate, dried fruits, cocoa;
  • all greens (especially onions and garlic);
  • berries of purple, red and blue colors (they have antioxidant properties), you should pay attention to cherries, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • freshly squeezed juices, homemade compotes and green tea.

Traditional medicine for curvature of the penis

In order to get rid of the disease, you need:

  1. 1 Grind 20 grams of horse nuts and pour 200 milliliters of water over them. Stir and put on the burner, simmer for 20 minutes. Wait until the broth cools down and filter through cheesecloth, sieve, bandage. You need to drink a decoction of chestnuts a quarter, a glass every day (and it must be divided into 4 doses). You can add a spoonful of honey to improve the taste. Be sure to drink on the fast.
  2. 2 Take a decoction from a collection of herbs, which consists of sage leaves, burdock root, oregano, drop cap, primrose, toadflax. All ingredients must be in the same proportions. In the evening, you need to pour a mixture of herbs and leave to infuse until morning and strain with the onset of a new day. Drink four times a day, like regular tea, but only 15 minutes before meals (can be divided into three or five meals). Take only fresh infusion (you cannot store it, every day you need to prepare a new portion, otherwise the healing properties will turn into toxins). A liter of water and 2 tablespoons of the collection will be required per day.
  3. 3 It is good to take a sage bath. To prepare it, you will need 3 packs of sage (dried). It must be placed in a bucket and filled with boiled hot water. Infuse for 20-30 minutes, then add to the bath with water. The procedure is best done before bedtime. The duration of the bath is no more than 20 minutes.
  4. 4 A good remedy for scars and plaques is leech ointment. To get rid of them, you need to rub it every day on a sore spot. To prepare the ointment you will need: 15 grams of heparin ointment, 2 tablespoons of Dimexide (tablespoons – tablespoons, Dimexide – solution), 200 milliliters of honey (prepared with acacia color is best suited). Mix everything thoroughly. You need to rub in until the end of the ointment. By this time, the disease should recede.

Dangerous and harmful foods for Peyron’s disease

  • coffee, cola and other soda, energy drinks and alcohol (potency only in small doses helps, but their frequent and regular consumption gives a completely opposite effect);
  • fast food and convenience foods, fast food (many carcinogens);
  • non-homemade sausages (a large number of dyes, seasonings, food additives, but, unfortunately, not meat);
  • pasta, rice, potatoes (cause quick satiety due to excessive amounts of carbohydrates);
  • white bread (a source of fast carbohydrates that negatively affect men’s health).


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

Nutrition for other diseases:

1 Comment

  1. Hallo,ich leide an dieser Krankheit.
    Habe Euren Artikel gelesen und wollte Euren Ratschlägen folgen,bzw die, im Artikel empfohlene Blutegelsalbe, durch Dolobene Sportgel benutzen.(Dolobene hat kompatible Zusammensetzung)
    Daraufhin habe ich den Arzt,der zu einer Operation mich beraten hat(er ist auch dafür zuständig),gefragt.Er sagt,ich könnte Dolobene nicht im Intimbereich verwenden.
    Ist seine Aussage korrekt?
    Natürlich würde er gerne operieren..
    Danke für Eure Antwort.

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