
General description of the disease

Warts are skin growths that are mostly benign and in the form of a nodule or small rounded bump.

Read also our dedicated article on nutrition for your skin.

Causes of warts:

  1. 1 papilloma virus;
  2. 2 mental disorders;
  3. 3 reduced immunity;
  4. 4 excessive sweating on the soles and hands;
  5. 5 acrocyanosis;
  6. 6 vegetative neurosis.

The way of transmission: directly when interacting with the patient or through the things that he used.

Varieties of warts and their signs:

  • Vulgar (ordinary) – seemingly tight, dry elevations of the skin, often have a villous surface, small in size (usually no larger than a pea). Location: hands. If you do not fight them in any way, the warts grow together and, as a result, plaques appear. Plantar warts are also common. They have a gray-dirty color, they form where the shoes press. They are more painful in nature, in contrast to those that are located on the hands.
  • Youthful (flat) – formed on the back of the palms and hands, the face of children and young men (young girls) at the site of cuts, scratches or other irritations. They have an irregular or rounded shape, practically do not protrude above the surface of the skin.
  • Condylomas with a sharp end are small nodules on the leg of a pink shade, located in the groin area and folds between the buttocks if hygiene measures are not followed. They grow very quickly and ultimately resemble a rooster’s comb.
  • Senile (age-related keratomas) – appear in elderly and elderly people, do not have a viral origin. They are in the form of gray, brown or black plaques with a loose surface impregnated with subcutaneous fat. They can form in any part of the body, face, neck. They can degenerate into malignant neoplasms.

Useful foods for warts

First of all, it is worth figuring out what reason was the provocateur of the appearance of the wart. If this is a weak immunity, then it is worth eating foods containing vitamins of groups A, C, E. If the reason is constant nervous tension and stress, then you need to eat antidepressant foods. For warts, you should also eat foods that have anti-cancer effects. After all, the presence of a papilloma virus may be the first call about malignant neoplasms.

Therefore, you should eat such foods:

  1. 1 sea ​​fish: tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines;
  2. 2 vegetables: tomatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, radishes, bell peppers, radishes;
  3. 3 fruits and berries: currants, all citrus fruits, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries, apricots, peaches, prunes, dogwood, apples;
  4. 4 bread with corn, oat, rice bran;
  5. 5 greens: celery, spinach, onions, garlic, dill, parsley, horseradish;
  6. 6 nuts, seeds and vegetable oils;
  7. 7 drink green tea, rosehip decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, compotes.

Traditional medicine for warts

If you have just discovered a wart, you should not rush to treat it. Watch her for a week. Most people develop immunity and the wart disappears on its own. It’s just worth spending more time on personal hygiene and wearing natural shoes. Also, it is worth increasing your immunity and getting rid of all kinds of sources of anxiety and stress. If, however, the disease has not passed, then you can try the following recipes:

  • Take a piece of ginger, attach it to the wart. Take dry wormwood leaves, light them and cover the ginger with smoldering leaves. Under the influence of temperature, juice will be released from the ginger, which has antiseptic properties. The procedure should be repeated throughout the week. During this time, the wart will dry out and fall off.
  • Juice from potatoes or sour apple helps a lot. To do this, you need to take a potato (apple), cut it and grease the wart with fresh juice. This method requires regularity.
  • In ancient times, an apple (potato) was cut, smeared with a build-up, tied with a red thread and buried in manure or a vegetable garden. It was believed that as soon as the fetus rotted, the wart would disappear. Also, you can take a red thread, tie as many knots over the warts as there are warts. Then you need to bury it and not tell anyone the place. As soon as the thread disappears, the wart will “follow” after it.
  • To the new moon take a stick with a bitch. Looking at the moon, cut bitches off a stick. The place where the bitches had to touch the warts. Burn the stick.
  • Take an onion, peel it, put it in a bowl with 9% vinegar, and leave it there for a few hours. Remove, cut in half, attach to the wart, rewind with a bandage. Leave this compress overnight. Do this for 3 days. The wart will come down with the root.
  • Effective compresses from Kalanchoe leaves. For 7 days per day, you need to apply the crushed leaves of the plant.
  • Moisten the warts with your urine twice a day.
  • Treat the wart with acetic acid at night. Before the procedure, you need to lubricate the skin around the growth with petroleum jelly or baby cream so as not to damage the skin. Acetic acid cauterizes the wart and disappears after a while.
  • Rub the wart with a piece of chalk and sprinkle with crushed chalk on top, tie the wart with a woolen bandage, which must be changed every 3 days. You cannot wet the bandage. The chalk will serve as a natural talcum powder, which will dry out the wart.
  • Find a thin stick (so that its diameter is approximately the same as the diameter of the wart), hold it over the fire, and cauterize the growth. Repeat this moxibustion.
  • Take ash, dilute with water in such a way that a thick homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply this mixture to warts every day.
  • In the morning and in the evening, smear warts with juice from aloe, celandine, thuja, pineapple, dandelion, calendula, round-leaved sundew.
  • Boil willow bark in vinegar for several minutes. Lubricate areas where warts are present several times a day. After a week, the disease will pass.
  • Smear the warts with the following ointment: take cornflower seeds, chop and mix with twisted pig or nutria lard. After applying the ointment, the area with warts should be bandaged. Change the bandage after three days. Usually, after 2 repetitions, the warts disappear.
  • Wet the area where the warts have formed. Wipe each neoplasm with ammonia or a tincture of thuja juice prepared with alcohol.

Dangerous and harmful foods for warts

  • fast food;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • coffee;
  • a large amount of table salt;
  • margarine;
  • canned food;
  • products with the “E” code;
  • shop sausages;
  • stale bread (especially with mold);
  • home preservation, the preparation of which did not adhere to cooking technologies.

These products provoke the growth of cancer cells, which is extremely dangerous for genital warts and warts of a malignant nature.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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