

This orange fruit, persimmon, is the main competitor of the apple in terms of iron content and ability to detoxify the body.

The main value of persimmon is that it is as good as possible in the cold season, when most berries and fruits have either moved away or grown in greenhouse conditions have no real benefit.

Persimmons provide prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, but can harm digestion if eaten incorrectly.

The homeland of persimmon is China, from where it came to Japan, and then, in the second half of the 19th century, to the United States. The American Admiral Matthew Perry brought the persimmon there. Later, the fruit spread to European countries.

Persimmons come in different varieties: sweet (Japanese varieties, “king”) and tart (Georgian). The pulp of the fruit has a specific astringent consistency, since it contains a high concentration of tannin.

The composition and calorie content of persimmons

Persimmons contain vitamins A, C and P, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins, iodine.

  • Calories, kcal: 67.
  • Proteins, g: 0.5.
  • Fat, g: 0.4.
  • Carbohydrates, g: 15.3

Health Benefits of Persimmons

Persimmon contains glucose, sucrose, iodine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iron. Vitamin A is present in large quantities in persimmons, which helps to prevent cancer; vitamin P, which reduces the fragility of blood vessels; vitamin C (53% of it in the berry), which has a tonic effect.

It contains a lot of pectin, which is good for the digestive system, and therefore is an important component of many diets indicated for digestive disorders.


It has been proven that persimmon contains twice as many useful trace elements and dietary fiber as apples, which rightfully claim to be the “king of fruits”. In addition, the orange berry contains a lot of antioxidants, organic acids, tannins, fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

What diseases helps to overcome persimmon

  1. Oncological diseases. Since orange persimmon contains a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin A, it is recommended as a preventive measure against cancer.
  2. Anemia, anemia. The high iron content helps prevent these diseases and improves blood quality. Pregnant women should include persimmons in their diet every day.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland. As you know, iodine-containing products are recommended for the prevention of thyroid diseases. Persimmons are one of the unparalleled leaders in the iodine-rich food list.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. Persimmon contributes to the formation of a potassium-sodium balance in the body and promotes the elimination of excess sodium salts from the body, since it has a diuretic effect. Also, the high potassium content in persimmons reduces the likelihood of stones formation.


  • Persimmons should not be eaten with adhesions in the intestines and constipation, since the tannin contained in it can provoke acute obstruction.
  • Persimmon is contraindicated in pancreatitis and diseases of the duodenum;
  • Astringents that make up persimmons can slow down metabolism. Therefore, the fruits should not be carried away by those who are prone to overweight and rapid weight gain;
  • The fruit should not be eaten by children under ten years old: tannin forms a viscous mixture with gastric juice, which leads to digestive problems;
  • Doctors advise against using persimmon for diabetes because of the high content of natural sugars;
  • During pregnancy, moderate consumption of persimmons is recommended: like other brightly colored fruits, it can cause an allergic reaction;

And one more rule that cannot be ignored: persimmons cannot be combined with cold water and milk, as this is fraught with indigestion.

How to choose a persimmon


This fruit would have much more fans if everyone knew how to choose it correctly. A quality fruit is smooth, fleshy and rich in color. Its ripeness is evidenced by its softness. Unripe fruits contain a lot of tannin and are therefore very tart.

This means that before you feast on them, you need to wait until they ripen at room temperature, that is, they become soft. You can soak the fruits for about 12 hours in warm water before use – this will eliminate the astringent taste.

Taste qualities of persimmon

Having tasted this fruit once, it is hard not to fall in love with a juicy fruit with a delicate taste, a bit like peach or mango, but with a subtle honey tint. Depending on the degree of ripeness, persimmon differs in astringent properties. Unripe fruits with bright orange peel, light-colored flesh and thick skin usually have more tannins. But ripe dark fruits with seeds and thin peel, popularly called the king, are sweeter and less astringent.

Cooking applications

The fruits are eaten fresh or added to a variety of dishes.

How can you make persimmons?

  • • Make a casserole with cottage cheese.
  • • Use as a filling for stuffing chicken.
  • • Fry the dried persimmons in butter and add to the pilaf.
  • • Add to curd and fruit dessert.
  • • Bake with lamb or poultry.
  • • Chop into a salad with lime, avocado, daikon.
  • • Add to a fruity champagne dessert.
  • • Make a muffin from persimmon.
  • • Roll into pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins.

What is persimmon combined with?

  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, butter, cream, ice cream, sour cream, goat cheese, yogurt.
  • Greens: mint.
  • Meat: game, lamb.
  • Dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes.
  • Fruits: avocado, lemon, bananas, kiwi, pear, grapefruit, tangerines, pineapples.
  • Vegetables: daikon.
  • Cereals: rice, semolina, oatmeal.
  • Sweet: sugar, jams, preserves, halva.
  • Spices, seasonings: vanilla.
  • Alcohol: champagne, cognac.
  • Oils: olive.

In China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan, dried fruits are made from persimmons, adding them as culinary ingredients to desserts and snacks. In Korea and Manchuria, persimmon leaves are used to make tea. In the USA, they like to add it to sweet pies, cakes, puddings, salads, cookies, desserts.

At the annual Persimmon Festival, held in September in the US state of Indiana in Mitchell, residents hold a competition for the best fruit pudding. They bake it to a pumpkin pie-like consistency and almost always garnish with whipped cream.

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