Periostitis – causes, symptoms, treatment

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The periosteum (Latin Periosteum) is a fibrous membrane that surrounds each bone from the outside. Its task is to protect the bones and enable it to nourish (there is a network of blood vessels transporting oxygen and nutrients from it), it is also strongly innervated. It also participates in the process of bone growth and regeneration, because the so-called osteogenic cells are located in the periosteum. Therefore, it plays a very important role for the entire skeletal system.

Periostitis causes and symptoms

As already mentioned, skeletal it is a perfectly innervated membrane. Presentation inflammation therefore it is immediately felt within it. Periostitis gives a number of unpleasant symptoms. Typical symptom there is sudden and rapidly increasing bone pain. There may also be some swelling in the area aching site and may experience generalized symptoms characteristic of inflammationi.e. fever, chills, shortness of breath, headache, weakness, general malaise and malaise. Disease, depending on causes, can take various forms, as shown below.

Acute periostitis

Sharp inflammation it usually arises as a result of an injury that causes minor or major injuries of the periosteum and the accumulation of pathogens in it that cause acute inflammation. Typical symptom spicy periostitis it is strong, clear ache bones. To spicy periostitis in the epiphyses of long bones can also occur in infants – this is the so-called Caffey-Silverman syndrome. The cause of this disease is genetic predisposition, a symptoms (ache bones, reddening of the skin) usually disappear on their own by 2 years of age.

Chronic periostitis

The causes of chronicity periostitis there may be external physical and chemical factors, i.e. ionizing radiation, phosphorus poisoning. It can also occur as a result of abnormal growth and development of long bones and skin – this is called hypertrophic osteoarthritis. This disease most often affects the bones of the distal parts of the limbs.

Periostitis of the tooth

Periostitis tooth is a specific type periostitiswhich also includes the periodontium, which is the tissue between the tooth and the jawbone. The periodontium performs very important tasks: it holds the tooth in the socket and absorbs mechanical pressure on the teeth, nourishes the tooth, mediates the feeling of pressure and pain, and has regenerative and bone formation functions. Down periostitis and periodontium of the tooth occur most often as a result of improperly performed dental procedures and maxillary surgery, e.g. as a result of a poorly extracted tooth and a fragment of it or a poorly performed root canal treatment. Chronic caries can also be a reason periostitis and periodontium – bacteria from an untreated tooth can penetrate deep into the tissues. The symptom is very characteristic, unpleasant, bony ache teeth and jaws. Pain it can also radiate to the sinuses.

Treatment of periostitis

To correctly diagnose periostitis and to identify the cause, it is usually necessary to take an x-ray. Based on the photo, the doctor will assess whether surgical intervention is necessary. Surgery is usually necessary in the case of injuries and complications after poorly performed dental procedures. Regardless of the situation, it is almost always necessary to give a properly selected antibiotic to kill the bacteria that are the basis of the infection and inflammation. The most frequently chosen antibiotic by doctors and dentists is clindamycin due to its good permeability to the bone. In case of swelling and acute inflammation it is also recommended to apply w aching place of cold compresses. Of course, ice or a chilled gel compress should be applied through a protective layer of the material to prevent frostbite of the skin in a given place. In the case of chronic periostitis the doctor may prescribe additional physical therapy treatments to speed up treatment inflammation and reduce ache, however, we should never use any treatments without a proper diagnosis and consultation with a doctor.

Treatment periostitis it is absolutely necessary in each case. Untreated periostitis can lead to a number of serious complications, even leading to death. As a result of untreated disease, inflammation of adjacent tissues and organs, meningitis, myocarditis and sepsis may develop.

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