People at risk for hepatitis (A, B, C, toxic)

People at risk for hepatitis (A, B, C, toxic)

  • People who adopt risky behavior, such as those described in the Risk Factors section, can get hepatitis.
  • The health professionals are at a higher risk than other people of contracting hepatitis B and C because they frequently handle syringes, needles, sharp objects and blood products that may have been contaminated.
  • Handlers of food or liquids that may have been contaminated with the hepatitis A virus are at high risk of acquiring the infection.
  • In Canada, people who have received blood transfusion, tissues or organs before 1990 may have been infected with the hepatitis C virus. Tests for this virus in blood products are now used; they reduce the chance of getting the disease from a blood transfusion to 1 in 100.
  • In Canada, individuals who have received blood clotting factors, primarily hemophiliacs, before 1992 may have been exposed to the hepatitis C virus.
  • People receiving hemodialysis treatments are at greater risk of getting hepatitis B or C.
  • Newborns from infected mothers with the hepatitis B or C virus can get the infection, but this is rare.
  • People with liver disease (viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, “fatty liver” or fatty liver, etc.), those who drink a lot of alcohol and women (who metabolize some toxins more slowly than men) are more likely to get toxic hepatitis if they are exposed to toxic products.

People at risk of hepatitis (A, B, C, toxic): understand everything in 2 min

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